As we learn how God loves each of us and created us as the crowning jewel of His creation; I ask you to consider the sweet 'forgotten' princesses in this world. CT is partering with Sower of Seeds International and raising money to rescue women and children from the largest redlight district in Asia. Pator Toby has written a book, "Normal" and all the proceeds from the sale of this book will be going to this worthy cause. This Christmas, though we may not know their names God knows each one and we have the opportunity to bless them and show them in a real way that they have never been forgotten by their King. Please watch this video, and consider making difference for His Princesses who's name you'll never know and He'll never forget.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Ch. 7 Romanced
Good Morning Sweet ladies!
I am so thankful to be here with you today. God has brought us all together through time and space and however you landed here I believe that you were brought here by your King, because He wants you to know how very much He loves you. How he desires and wants to romance you and wants you to know in every cell of your being that you are precious, priceless and His princess.
Let's begin with a prayer from our writer Staci. Let's invite Him to the discussion and further into our hearts with her words: "Dear Jesus, I love you. I need you. I come before you now as yours, asking for your help, your grace. My life is yours. Would you speak to me about your love and how you see me? I need your help, your revelation. I am your Bride. You are my Bridegroom. Help me to more fully understand and embrace that, Jesus, I give you access to all of my heart. I invite you into every part. Come, Holy Spirit, have your way that I might love you, God, more deeply and truly with all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen."
I'll be using the questions from our workbook "Now go back over the chapter, skimming the pages. What does it evoke in your heart? What is your response to this chapter?"
"What did you like. . . and what are you struggling with in this chapter?"
"We opened this chapter in the book with me sharing the story of a walk on a starlit night, one of my first experiences of God's intimate love.
This wild God of mine, who knows my every thought and intention, who sees my every failure and sin, loves me. Not in a religious way, not in the way we usually translate when we hear, 'God loves us.' Which usually sounds like 'because he has to' or meaning 'he tolerates you.' No. He loves me as a Lover loves. Whoa. Is this a new thought to you? A new category to think in? What do you think of it? What is your heart's response?"
"Romance does not need to wait for a man. God longs to bring this into your life Himself. God wants you to move past the childlike 'Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.' He wants to heal us through His love to become mature women who actually know him. He wants us to experience verses like , 'Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her' (Hos. 2:14 NKJV) And 'You have stolen my heart, my sister, my bride' (Song 4:9 NKJV) Our hearts are desperate for this.
Dream a little. What would it be like to experience for yourself that the truest thing about God's heart toward yours is not disappointment or disapproval but deep, fiery, passionate love?"
"What would that alter in the way you see yourself. . . and God?"
"In this chapter I said, 'The root of all holiness is Romance.' My hunch is that many of you have never heard that before. So let me explain. Jesus said 'If you love Me, keep My commandments' (John 14:15NKJV). By this he didn't mean, "Prove it. Prove you love me by obeying the Law.' No, what he was describing was the beauty of a heart in love with him. 'The natural result of your heart in love with me will be to keep my commands. You'll want to. Any other life will seem dull and hollow and unappealing.' When you love someone, you want to please them. you want to do the things they want to do. The same holds true in your walk with God. Does that begin to make sense to you-that romance with God is the root of all holiness?"
"If you'll open your heart to the possibility; you'll find that God has been wooing you ever since you were a little girl. Yes, we said earlier that the story of your life is the story of a long and sustained assault upon your heart by the one who knows what you could be and fears you. But that is only part of the story. Every story has a villain. Every story also has a hero. The Great Love Story of the Scriptures are telling us about also reveals a Lover who longs for you. The story of your life is also the story of the long and passionate pursuit of your heart by the One who knows you best and loves you most." "God has written the Romance not only on our hearts but all over the world around us . What we need is for him to open our eyes, to open our ears that we might recognize his voice calling to us, see his hand wooing us in the beauty that quickens our hearts. Pray. Ask him to."
"What were the things that romanced you as a girl?" "Those were all whispers from your Lover, notes sent to awaken your heart's longings. And as we journey into a true intimacy with God as women , he often brings those things back into our lives, to remind us he was there, to heal and restore things that were lost or stolen. What would you like God to restore to you?"
"Ask Jesus for the eyes to see how he is romancing your heart today. What are the things that take your breath away? The things that make you cry or fill your heart with longing?"
"This is not to say that our lives are lived as one big romantic moment with Jesus. It is saying, however, that the Romance is the deepest thing, the foundation of our relationship with Him. All relationships ebb and flow, Yes? How would you describe your relationship with God over the past several months? The ebbing in our experience of God is to draw out our hearts in deeper longing. In the times of emptiness, an open heart notices. When you are aware of a distance, an ebbing in your heart with God, what do you feel? Often God allows these feelings to surface to help us go back to times when we have felt like this before. Notice also what do you want to do and how do you handle your heart. Are you shutting down in anger? Turning to food? To others? How do you usually handle your heart when it is aching? What is crucial is that next time, we handle our hearts differently. We ask our Lover to come for us, and we keep our hearts open to his coming. We choose not to shut down.. We let the tears come. We allow the ache to swell into a longing prayer for our God. And he comes, dear hearts. He does come. The times of intimacy-the flowing waters of love-those times then bring healing to places in our hearts which still need his touch."
"Where are places you would like him to come? To heal? To love? Are you beginning to grasp more deeply what it is that God wants from you? What is he after?"
"He longs for you. Let that be true for a moment. Let it be true of you. Sit with that truth. Ponder it. What is your heart's response?"
"Now for one of the most beautiful mysteries of the feminine heart; women minister something to the heart of God that men do not. A tenderness, a mercy, an intimacy. There is only one time that Jesus says that what a person did to him, did for him, was beautiful. What was it?" "Women hold a special place in the heart of God. A woman's worship brings Jesus immense pleasure and a deep ministry. You can minister to the heart of God. You impact Him. You matter. How does that make you feel?"
"God is waiting. He longs for you. Offer your heart to him. Intimacy with Jesus takes cultivating. Relationships grow over time. To become intentional about cultivating a heart of worship, a heart of devoted adoration is a beautiful thing. Do you want this? If so, what will you have to let go of in order to make room for private worship in your life? If no, what are you afraid of?"
"To be spiritual is to be in a Romance with God. What is your heart's response now to that truth? Sigh. Breathe. Christianity is even better than you thought. Jesus is better than you thought! And as we grow in knowing him, he just continues to get more so. Come. Sit at his feet."
"One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple Psalm 27:4 NKJV
Well we did it my sweet sisters. We got through that chapter. That life and love changing chapter together! Thank you Lord! Lord, sweet Husband, I ask you blessing over these women as they begin to understand your heart for them, your PASSION for them. I pray that you will reveal yourself ever more intimately to them today and in the coming days. Show them the ways that you woo them. Blow their socks off as only you can! Thank you Lord, for each and every one of these souls and what they will accomplish with you for your Kingdom. Thank you for sharing them with me and most of all THANK YOU FOR LOVING ME MORE THAN I CAN FATHOM! AMEN!
One last thing ladies, It would mean the world to me if you would read my response to this chapter. Much love and prayers! KP
I am so thankful to be here with you today. God has brought us all together through time and space and however you landed here I believe that you were brought here by your King, because He wants you to know how very much He loves you. How he desires and wants to romance you and wants you to know in every cell of your being that you are precious, priceless and His princess.
Let's begin with a prayer from our writer Staci. Let's invite Him to the discussion and further into our hearts with her words: "Dear Jesus, I love you. I need you. I come before you now as yours, asking for your help, your grace. My life is yours. Would you speak to me about your love and how you see me? I need your help, your revelation. I am your Bride. You are my Bridegroom. Help me to more fully understand and embrace that, Jesus, I give you access to all of my heart. I invite you into every part. Come, Holy Spirit, have your way that I might love you, God, more deeply and truly with all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen."
I'll be using the questions from our workbook "Now go back over the chapter, skimming the pages. What does it evoke in your heart? What is your response to this chapter?"
"What did you like. . . and what are you struggling with in this chapter?"
"We opened this chapter in the book with me sharing the story of a walk on a starlit night, one of my first experiences of God's intimate love.
This wild God of mine, who knows my every thought and intention, who sees my every failure and sin, loves me. Not in a religious way, not in the way we usually translate when we hear, 'God loves us.' Which usually sounds like 'because he has to' or meaning 'he tolerates you.' No. He loves me as a Lover loves. Whoa. Is this a new thought to you? A new category to think in? What do you think of it? What is your heart's response?"
"Romance does not need to wait for a man. God longs to bring this into your life Himself. God wants you to move past the childlike 'Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.' He wants to heal us through His love to become mature women who actually know him. He wants us to experience verses like , 'Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her' (Hos. 2:14 NKJV) And 'You have stolen my heart, my sister, my bride' (Song 4:9 NKJV) Our hearts are desperate for this.
Dream a little. What would it be like to experience for yourself that the truest thing about God's heart toward yours is not disappointment or disapproval but deep, fiery, passionate love?"
"What would that alter in the way you see yourself. . . and God?"
"In this chapter I said, 'The root of all holiness is Romance.' My hunch is that many of you have never heard that before. So let me explain. Jesus said 'If you love Me, keep My commandments' (John 14:15NKJV). By this he didn't mean, "Prove it. Prove you love me by obeying the Law.' No, what he was describing was the beauty of a heart in love with him. 'The natural result of your heart in love with me will be to keep my commands. You'll want to. Any other life will seem dull and hollow and unappealing.' When you love someone, you want to please them. you want to do the things they want to do. The same holds true in your walk with God. Does that begin to make sense to you-that romance with God is the root of all holiness?"
"If you'll open your heart to the possibility; you'll find that God has been wooing you ever since you were a little girl. Yes, we said earlier that the story of your life is the story of a long and sustained assault upon your heart by the one who knows what you could be and fears you. But that is only part of the story. Every story has a villain. Every story also has a hero. The Great Love Story of the Scriptures are telling us about also reveals a Lover who longs for you. The story of your life is also the story of the long and passionate pursuit of your heart by the One who knows you best and loves you most." "God has written the Romance not only on our hearts but all over the world around us . What we need is for him to open our eyes, to open our ears that we might recognize his voice calling to us, see his hand wooing us in the beauty that quickens our hearts. Pray. Ask him to."
"What were the things that romanced you as a girl?" "Those were all whispers from your Lover, notes sent to awaken your heart's longings. And as we journey into a true intimacy with God as women , he often brings those things back into our lives, to remind us he was there, to heal and restore things that were lost or stolen. What would you like God to restore to you?"
"Ask Jesus for the eyes to see how he is romancing your heart today. What are the things that take your breath away? The things that make you cry or fill your heart with longing?"
"This is not to say that our lives are lived as one big romantic moment with Jesus. It is saying, however, that the Romance is the deepest thing, the foundation of our relationship with Him. All relationships ebb and flow, Yes? How would you describe your relationship with God over the past several months? The ebbing in our experience of God is to draw out our hearts in deeper longing. In the times of emptiness, an open heart notices. When you are aware of a distance, an ebbing in your heart with God, what do you feel? Often God allows these feelings to surface to help us go back to times when we have felt like this before. Notice also what do you want to do and how do you handle your heart. Are you shutting down in anger? Turning to food? To others? How do you usually handle your heart when it is aching? What is crucial is that next time, we handle our hearts differently. We ask our Lover to come for us, and we keep our hearts open to his coming. We choose not to shut down.. We let the tears come. We allow the ache to swell into a longing prayer for our God. And he comes, dear hearts. He does come. The times of intimacy-the flowing waters of love-those times then bring healing to places in our hearts which still need his touch."
"Where are places you would like him to come? To heal? To love? Are you beginning to grasp more deeply what it is that God wants from you? What is he after?"
"He longs for you. Let that be true for a moment. Let it be true of you. Sit with that truth. Ponder it. What is your heart's response?"
"Now for one of the most beautiful mysteries of the feminine heart; women minister something to the heart of God that men do not. A tenderness, a mercy, an intimacy. There is only one time that Jesus says that what a person did to him, did for him, was beautiful. What was it?" "Women hold a special place in the heart of God. A woman's worship brings Jesus immense pleasure and a deep ministry. You can minister to the heart of God. You impact Him. You matter. How does that make you feel?"
"God is waiting. He longs for you. Offer your heart to him. Intimacy with Jesus takes cultivating. Relationships grow over time. To become intentional about cultivating a heart of worship, a heart of devoted adoration is a beautiful thing. Do you want this? If so, what will you have to let go of in order to make room for private worship in your life? If no, what are you afraid of?"
"To be spiritual is to be in a Romance with God. What is your heart's response now to that truth? Sigh. Breathe. Christianity is even better than you thought. Jesus is better than you thought! And as we grow in knowing him, he just continues to get more so. Come. Sit at his feet."
"One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple Psalm 27:4 NKJV
Well we did it my sweet sisters. We got through that chapter. That life and love changing chapter together! Thank you Lord! Lord, sweet Husband, I ask you blessing over these women as they begin to understand your heart for them, your PASSION for them. I pray that you will reveal yourself ever more intimately to them today and in the coming days. Show them the ways that you woo them. Blow their socks off as only you can! Thank you Lord, for each and every one of these souls and what they will accomplish with you for your Kingdom. Thank you for sharing them with me and most of all THANK YOU FOR LOVING ME MORE THAN I CAN FATHOM! AMEN!
One last thing ladies, It would mean the world to me if you would read my response to this chapter. Much love and prayers! KP
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Christmas of Compassion
Still have Christmas gifts to buy for someone on your list? This year make a REAL difference in their name. Shop from home and change the world in the name of someone you love. Remember the reason for the season. If I happen to be on anyone's list it would honestly MAKE MY YEAR if you picked ANYTHING from here in my name! :) Love you all!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Ch. 6 "Healing the Wound"
"Down those old ancient streets,
Down those old ancient roads,
Baby there together we must go
Till we get the healing done."
Van Morrison (quoted from the
Welcome Sweet Friends,
Stasi opened chapter six with this quote and I can't think of a better way to open our study of the chapter. I sat and listened to the great Van Morrison sing this song to me and envisioned being serenaded by my Father and heavenly husband. Even when you know you are headed down a hard road.. knowing you are going there with someone who loves you and will walk with you somehow makes the journey almost inviting. So, I'm inviting you to walk with me and our Father through this chapter.
Let's begin by inviting him into our heart to heal: Dear Father, thank you for loving us enough to come for us, to encourage us, to heal us. You know each of us intimately. You know our wounds and you know our desperate places. I invite you to the darkest corners of my heart and soul. I invite you to the secret gardens that I had locked away because of the pain. I ask you to reveal to me what I need to know, open the doors that you need me to open, touch my soul with your healing love so that I may love you more than I ever knew I could. I ask your blessing over each of these precious women and I ask you to tell them each exactly how you feel about them. Surround them with your precious spirit and bless their time here together. Amen.
"Now, go back over the chapter, skimming the pages. What strikes you? What does it evoke in your heart?" "What does reading this chapter make you want to do?"
"Were you able to journey through this chapter and pray, asking for God's healing?"
"What in your heart do you really want him to heal, touch, and restore?" "After reading this chapter on Healing, what are you struggling with?"
"What have you been taught is the primary reason that Jesus came to earth? Jesus proclaims his mission when he takes the scroll of I Isaiah and begins his public ministry. What passage did he choose to explain himself but Isaiah 61?" "This scripture must be important to him. It must be central. What does it mean? It's supposed to be really good news; that's clear. It has something to do with healing hearts, setting someone free. Let me try and state it in words more familiar to us. (It's helpful to read this aloud as well.)"
"God has sent me on a mission. I have some great news for you. God has sent me to restore and release something. And that something is you. I am here to give you back your heart and set you free. I am furious at the Enemy who did this to you, and I will fight against him. Let me comfort you. For, dear one, I will bestow beauty upon you where you have known only devastation. Joy in the places of your deep sorrow. And I will robe your heart in thankful praise in exchange for your resignation and despair."
"What if it were true? What if Jesus could and would do this for your broken heart, your wounded feminine soul? Read it again and ask him, Jesus would you do this for me?"
He can and he will. If you'll let him. . ."
"Why did God curse Eve with loneliness and heartache, an emptiness that nothing would be able to fill? Wasn't her life going to be hard enough out there in the world, banished from the Garden that was her true home, her only home, never able to return? It seems unkind. Cruel, even.
He did it to save her. For as we all know personally, something in Eve's heart shifted at the Fall. Something sent it's roots down deep into her soul-and ours-that mistrust of God's heart, that resolution to find life on our own terms. So God has to thwart her. In love, he has to block her attempts until, wounded and aching; she turns to hm and him alone for her rescue.
<strong>Therefore I will block her path with thorn bushes; I will wall her in so she cannot find her way. She will chase after her lovers but not catch them; she will look for them but not find them Hosea 2:6-7 NKJV
"Okay what hasn't been going well in your life for sometime? Has it occurred to you that God might be "blocking your path with thorn bushes" (Hos. 2:6)? How is he thwarting you?
"To enter the journey towards the healing of your feminine heart, all it requires is a "Yes. Okay." --Or in Toby's words: YES LORD!--"A simple turning of the heart." " Are you ready and willing to say this to Jesus? Perhaps in a deeper way than ever before? If you are then go ahead and say it. Be specific what do you need to lay down? Repent of? Let go?"
"Jesus, I'm sorry. Forgive me. Please come for me. I renounce the ways I've tried to save myself. They have failed. Only you can save me. Please come for me. I give this all to you."
"What is God "knocking" through these days" Think of the way your life is not working out-or the lives of women you look at and long for. How is God stirring your heart? Give him permission to enter. Give him access to your broken heart. Ask him to come to those places." "Sit quietly a while. Rest. Wait. Journal your thoughts, feelings, desires."
"Part of the reason women are so tired is because we are spending so much energy trying to 'keep it together.' So much energy devoted to suppressing the pain and keeping a good appearance. We want to give you permission to fall apart. To be a mess. Does that thought frighten you? Why? We need to let our tears come. Give yourself permission to feel, to sorrow. Make the time. Get alone, . . . and let yourself feel again. Let it all out."
"Okay-now for a hard step (as if the others have been easy). A real step of courage and will. We must forgive those who hurt us. Again. Until you forgive you remain their prisoner. Paul warns us that unforgiveness and bitterness can wreck our lives and the lives of others.. (Eph. 4:31; Heb. 12:15). We have to let it all go. Now -listen carefully. Forgiveness is a choice. It is not a feeling-don't try and feel forgiving. IT is an act of the will.
"Ask Him to Destroy your Enemies. What enemies of your soul would you like Jesus to destroy? Self contempt? An addiction? A spirit overwhelmed? Read Psalm 21:8-13. Ask him to destroy your enemies, the ones you recognize and the one yet to be revealed."
"Let Him Father You. There is a part of our hearts that was made for Daddy; made for his strong and tender love. That part is still there., and longing. Open it to Jesus, and to your Father God. Ask him to come and love you there. Meet you there. We've all tried so hard to find the fulfillment of this love in other people, and it never, ever works. Let us give this treasure back to the One who can love us best."
"Ask Him to Answer Your Question. Take your questions to Jesus. Ask him to show you your beauty."
"Dear Jesus, I am almost afraid to ask, but I so need the answer. I need the questions of my deepest heart answered. And answered truthfully. Answered by you. Lord, how do you see me? As a woman,. Am I captivating to you? Am I lovely? Would you please show me my beauty? Show me what you think of me. I want to hear from you. Open the eyes of my heart that I may recognize and receive your answers as you bring them to me. I need to know know God. I will wait and listen. For I love you, and my heart is yours. All this I pray, in the name of Jesus, Amen."
I am SO PROUD of you ladies for continuing. I thank you for you patience and I pray for your hearts and healing. I'm looking forward to reading your posts!
Down those old ancient roads,
Baby there together we must go
Till we get the healing done."
Van Morrison (quoted from the
Welcome Sweet Friends,
Stasi opened chapter six with this quote and I can't think of a better way to open our study of the chapter. I sat and listened to the great Van Morrison sing this song to me and envisioned being serenaded by my Father and heavenly husband. Even when you know you are headed down a hard road.. knowing you are going there with someone who loves you and will walk with you somehow makes the journey almost inviting. So, I'm inviting you to walk with me and our Father through this chapter.
Let's begin by inviting him into our heart to heal: Dear Father, thank you for loving us enough to come for us, to encourage us, to heal us. You know each of us intimately. You know our wounds and you know our desperate places. I invite you to the darkest corners of my heart and soul. I invite you to the secret gardens that I had locked away because of the pain. I ask you to reveal to me what I need to know, open the doors that you need me to open, touch my soul with your healing love so that I may love you more than I ever knew I could. I ask your blessing over each of these precious women and I ask you to tell them each exactly how you feel about them. Surround them with your precious spirit and bless their time here together. Amen.
"Now, go back over the chapter, skimming the pages. What strikes you? What does it evoke in your heart?" "What does reading this chapter make you want to do?"
"Were you able to journey through this chapter and pray, asking for God's healing?"
"What in your heart do you really want him to heal, touch, and restore?" "After reading this chapter on Healing, what are you struggling with?"
"What have you been taught is the primary reason that Jesus came to earth? Jesus proclaims his mission when he takes the scroll of I Isaiah and begins his public ministry. What passage did he choose to explain himself but Isaiah 61?" "This scripture must be important to him. It must be central. What does it mean? It's supposed to be really good news; that's clear. It has something to do with healing hearts, setting someone free. Let me try and state it in words more familiar to us. (It's helpful to read this aloud as well.)"
"God has sent me on a mission. I have some great news for you. God has sent me to restore and release something. And that something is you. I am here to give you back your heart and set you free. I am furious at the Enemy who did this to you, and I will fight against him. Let me comfort you. For, dear one, I will bestow beauty upon you where you have known only devastation. Joy in the places of your deep sorrow. And I will robe your heart in thankful praise in exchange for your resignation and despair."
"What if it were true? What if Jesus could and would do this for your broken heart, your wounded feminine soul? Read it again and ask him, Jesus would you do this for me?"
He can and he will. If you'll let him. . ."
"Why did God curse Eve with loneliness and heartache, an emptiness that nothing would be able to fill? Wasn't her life going to be hard enough out there in the world, banished from the Garden that was her true home, her only home, never able to return? It seems unkind. Cruel, even.
He did it to save her. For as we all know personally, something in Eve's heart shifted at the Fall. Something sent it's roots down deep into her soul-and ours-that mistrust of God's heart, that resolution to find life on our own terms. So God has to thwart her. In love, he has to block her attempts until, wounded and aching; she turns to hm and him alone for her rescue.
<strong>Therefore I will block her path with thorn bushes; I will wall her in so she cannot find her way. She will chase after her lovers but not catch them; she will look for them but not find them Hosea 2:6-7 NKJV
"Okay what hasn't been going well in your life for sometime? Has it occurred to you that God might be "blocking your path with thorn bushes" (Hos. 2:6)? How is he thwarting you?
"To enter the journey towards the healing of your feminine heart, all it requires is a "Yes. Okay." --Or in Toby's words: YES LORD!--"A simple turning of the heart." " Are you ready and willing to say this to Jesus? Perhaps in a deeper way than ever before? If you are then go ahead and say it. Be specific what do you need to lay down? Repent of? Let go?"
"Jesus, I'm sorry. Forgive me. Please come for me. I renounce the ways I've tried to save myself. They have failed. Only you can save me. Please come for me. I give this all to you."
"What is God "knocking" through these days" Think of the way your life is not working out-or the lives of women you look at and long for. How is God stirring your heart? Give him permission to enter. Give him access to your broken heart. Ask him to come to those places." "Sit quietly a while. Rest. Wait. Journal your thoughts, feelings, desires."
"Part of the reason women are so tired is because we are spending so much energy trying to 'keep it together.' So much energy devoted to suppressing the pain and keeping a good appearance. We want to give you permission to fall apart. To be a mess. Does that thought frighten you? Why? We need to let our tears come. Give yourself permission to feel, to sorrow. Make the time. Get alone, . . . and let yourself feel again. Let it all out."
"Okay-now for a hard step (as if the others have been easy). A real step of courage and will. We must forgive those who hurt us. Again. Until you forgive you remain their prisoner. Paul warns us that unforgiveness and bitterness can wreck our lives and the lives of others.. (Eph. 4:31; Heb. 12:15). We have to let it all go. Now -listen carefully. Forgiveness is a choice. It is not a feeling-don't try and feel forgiving. IT is an act of the will.
"Ask Him to Destroy your Enemies. What enemies of your soul would you like Jesus to destroy? Self contempt? An addiction? A spirit overwhelmed? Read Psalm 21:8-13. Ask him to destroy your enemies, the ones you recognize and the one yet to be revealed."
"Let Him Father You. There is a part of our hearts that was made for Daddy; made for his strong and tender love. That part is still there., and longing. Open it to Jesus, and to your Father God. Ask him to come and love you there. Meet you there. We've all tried so hard to find the fulfillment of this love in other people, and it never, ever works. Let us give this treasure back to the One who can love us best."
"Ask Him to Answer Your Question. Take your questions to Jesus. Ask him to show you your beauty."
"Dear Jesus, I am almost afraid to ask, but I so need the answer. I need the questions of my deepest heart answered. And answered truthfully. Answered by you. Lord, how do you see me? As a woman,. Am I captivating to you? Am I lovely? Would you please show me my beauty? Show me what you think of me. I want to hear from you. Open the eyes of my heart that I may recognize and receive your answers as you bring them to me. I need to know know God. I will wait and listen. For I love you, and my heart is yours. All this I pray, in the name of Jesus, Amen."
I am SO PROUD of you ladies for continuing. I thank you for you patience and I pray for your hearts and healing. I'm looking forward to reading your posts!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Ch. 5 "A Special Hatred"
I never imagined I'd be in such a different place after working through this chapter. I'm overjoyed to say that indeed I am closer to my Father today thanks to finishing this one. My prayer is that you too will be touched by God in the deepest places of your heart and soul when we are finished here. Let's begin with a prayer.
Sweet Father,
What an AMAZING LOVE you pour out to us every minute of the day! I am amazed yet again at your tender spirit for me. I know even more today that you have counted every tear and that not a single one has ever been wasted or forgotten. THANK YOU Lord for your gentle hand in leading me through this difficult chapter. Lord, I have a special prayer today for every sweet soul you have brought together here. Each woman here has been injured deeply by the special hatred the enemy has for her. You know so well the pain that has been suffered and the lies that have been not just believed but silently agreed to. Father, I pray that these precious women will see the enemy's lies for what they are. That each woman will hear your voice reminding her that those gifts you've given her are for your Glory and not to hurt her. Lord, reveal to each one the FIERCE beauty, strength, love and power that YOU have blessed them with. Gird them up for battle. Take their hands and lead them into the great adventure you have for them all the while whispering how completely known and loved they are by you.
Thank you Father,
Once again we'll be taking questions from the work book
"This chapter asks us to reexamine our thoughts about the often brutal, nearly universal assault on femininity. Where does this come from? Do not make the mistake of believing that 'men are the enemy'. Certainly men have had a hand in this and will have a day of reckoning before their Maker. But you will not understand this story--or your story --until you begin to see the actual Forces behind this assault and get a grip on their motives. Is it a new thought to you that all that has come against you in your life has not been from the hand of God? That Satan has played a role in trying to destroy you, your heart?"
"Think of the story of your life. How has further assault come to you? Was it obvious like betrayal? Or more subtle, like years of neglect? Describe what you remember. What messages were driven home into your heart? Have you felt that the wounds and further assault you received came to you because something was fundamentally wrong with you? Have you felt that you are essentially alone? If you do, do you believe it is because you are not the woman you should be? Did you know that most women feel alone?"
"What do you make of the degradation, abuse, and the open assault that women around the world have endured? Are enduring even now? Where does this hatred for women you see all over the world come from? Why is it so diabolical? The assault on femininity it's long history, its utter viciousness--cannot be understood apart from the spiritual forces of evil we are warned against in the Scriptures."
"Turn your attention again to the events that took place in the Garden of Eden. Notice-who does the Evil One go after? Have you ever wondered why Satan seems to make Eve the focus of his assault on humanity? Satan was first named Lucifer, or Son of the Morning. It infers a glory, a brightness, a radiance unique to him. Look up Ezek. 28:12-15. How does it describe Lucifer?"
"Satan fell because of his beauty. Now his heart for revenge is to assault beauty. But what of Eve? She is the incarnation of the Beauty of God. More than anything else in all creation, she embodies the glory of God. She allures the world to God. Satan hates it with a jealousy we can only imagine. And there is more. The Evil One also hates Eve because she gives life. . . Put those two things together - Eve incarnates the Beauty of God, and she gives life to the world. Satan's bitter heart cannot bear it. He assaults her with a special hatred. History removes any doubt about this"
"Satan's hatred of Eve and her daughters helps to explain an awful lot about your life's story. The message of our wounds nearly always is. 'This is because of you. This is what you deserve.' It changes things to realize that no, these things happened because you are glorious, because you are a major thereat to the kingdom of darkness. Because you uniquely carry the glory of God to the world. You are hated because of your beauty and power. Do you believe it's possible?"
"Let your imagination go there a little while. What would it feel like if it were true that you are beautiful, that you are powerful for the kingdom of God-and that is why you have endured the assault (and neglect) you have?"
"Have you ever felt the men in your life get close only to withdraw, pull back? What happened? Who did you blame it on?"
"Back off, or leave her alone, or You don't really want to go there--she'll be too much for you is something Satan has set against every woman from the day of her birth. It's the emotional and spiritual equivalent of leaving a little girl by the side of the road to die. And to every woman he has whispered, You are alone, or When they see who you really are, you will be alone, or No one will ever truly come for you. Take a moment. Quiet your heart and ask yourself, 'Is this a message I have believed, fear, lived with? It is time to reveal this pervasive threat as the tool of the Enemy that it is." "The Evil One had a hand in all that has happened to you. he made sure he drove the message of the wounds home into your heart. He is the one who has dogged your heels with shame and self-doubt and accusation. He is the one who offers the false comforters to you in order to deepen your bondage. He is the one who has done these things in order to prevent your restoration. For that is what he fears. he fears who you re, what you are-what you might become. He fears your beauty and your life-giving heart. What if it were true? How does that make you feel?"
"Now listen to the voice of your King. Read Isaiah 62:1-5. If you can, read it in more than one translation. Who is Jerusalem? What are you no longer called? What are you called? Read Jeremiah 30:16-17. How will God treat your enemies? How will he treat you?"
"You really won't understand your life as a woman until you understand this: You are passionately loved by the God of the universe. You are passionately hated by his Enemy."
"And so, dear heat, it is time for your restoration. For there is One greater than your Enemy. One who has sought you out from the beginning of time. He has come to heal your broken heart and restore your feminine soul. Let us turn now to Him."
"Dear Jesus, I am beginning to see the assault on my life and on my heart, as coming from the enemy. He has been fierce against me. I have been wounded and wounded deeply. And I am trying to believe, beginning to believe, that it was not all my fault. Not what I deserved. Oh, God, please come to my battered heart and heal me. Come to the places in my heart where I have believed the enemy's lies to me for so long and speak the truth to me, there. In those places. I need you. I need your protection. I need your mercy. I need your covering, your kindness, and your touch. Make me quick to recognize the ploys of the enemy and teach me to stand against them. please come for me, Jesus. And heal me. In your name, I pray. Amen".
Sweet Father,
What an AMAZING LOVE you pour out to us every minute of the day! I am amazed yet again at your tender spirit for me. I know even more today that you have counted every tear and that not a single one has ever been wasted or forgotten. THANK YOU Lord for your gentle hand in leading me through this difficult chapter. Lord, I have a special prayer today for every sweet soul you have brought together here. Each woman here has been injured deeply by the special hatred the enemy has for her. You know so well the pain that has been suffered and the lies that have been not just believed but silently agreed to. Father, I pray that these precious women will see the enemy's lies for what they are. That each woman will hear your voice reminding her that those gifts you've given her are for your Glory and not to hurt her. Lord, reveal to each one the FIERCE beauty, strength, love and power that YOU have blessed them with. Gird them up for battle. Take their hands and lead them into the great adventure you have for them all the while whispering how completely known and loved they are by you.
Thank you Father,
Once again we'll be taking questions from the work book
"This chapter asks us to reexamine our thoughts about the often brutal, nearly universal assault on femininity. Where does this come from? Do not make the mistake of believing that 'men are the enemy'. Certainly men have had a hand in this and will have a day of reckoning before their Maker. But you will not understand this story--or your story --until you begin to see the actual Forces behind this assault and get a grip on their motives. Is it a new thought to you that all that has come against you in your life has not been from the hand of God? That Satan has played a role in trying to destroy you, your heart?"
"Think of the story of your life. How has further assault come to you? Was it obvious like betrayal? Or more subtle, like years of neglect? Describe what you remember. What messages were driven home into your heart? Have you felt that the wounds and further assault you received came to you because something was fundamentally wrong with you? Have you felt that you are essentially alone? If you do, do you believe it is because you are not the woman you should be? Did you know that most women feel alone?"
"What do you make of the degradation, abuse, and the open assault that women around the world have endured? Are enduring even now? Where does this hatred for women you see all over the world come from? Why is it so diabolical? The assault on femininity it's long history, its utter viciousness--cannot be understood apart from the spiritual forces of evil we are warned against in the Scriptures."
"Turn your attention again to the events that took place in the Garden of Eden. Notice-who does the Evil One go after? Have you ever wondered why Satan seems to make Eve the focus of his assault on humanity? Satan was first named Lucifer, or Son of the Morning. It infers a glory, a brightness, a radiance unique to him. Look up Ezek. 28:12-15. How does it describe Lucifer?"
"Satan fell because of his beauty. Now his heart for revenge is to assault beauty. But what of Eve? She is the incarnation of the Beauty of God. More than anything else in all creation, she embodies the glory of God. She allures the world to God. Satan hates it with a jealousy we can only imagine. And there is more. The Evil One also hates Eve because she gives life. . . Put those two things together - Eve incarnates the Beauty of God, and she gives life to the world. Satan's bitter heart cannot bear it. He assaults her with a special hatred. History removes any doubt about this"
"Satan's hatred of Eve and her daughters helps to explain an awful lot about your life's story. The message of our wounds nearly always is. 'This is because of you. This is what you deserve.' It changes things to realize that no, these things happened because you are glorious, because you are a major thereat to the kingdom of darkness. Because you uniquely carry the glory of God to the world. You are hated because of your beauty and power. Do you believe it's possible?"
"Let your imagination go there a little while. What would it feel like if it were true that you are beautiful, that you are powerful for the kingdom of God-and that is why you have endured the assault (and neglect) you have?"
"Have you ever felt the men in your life get close only to withdraw, pull back? What happened? Who did you blame it on?"
"Back off, or leave her alone, or You don't really want to go there--she'll be too much for you is something Satan has set against every woman from the day of her birth. It's the emotional and spiritual equivalent of leaving a little girl by the side of the road to die. And to every woman he has whispered, You are alone, or When they see who you really are, you will be alone, or No one will ever truly come for you. Take a moment. Quiet your heart and ask yourself, 'Is this a message I have believed, fear, lived with? It is time to reveal this pervasive threat as the tool of the Enemy that it is." "The Evil One had a hand in all that has happened to you. he made sure he drove the message of the wounds home into your heart. He is the one who has dogged your heels with shame and self-doubt and accusation. He is the one who offers the false comforters to you in order to deepen your bondage. He is the one who has done these things in order to prevent your restoration. For that is what he fears. he fears who you re, what you are-what you might become. He fears your beauty and your life-giving heart. What if it were true? How does that make you feel?"
"Now listen to the voice of your King. Read Isaiah 62:1-5. If you can, read it in more than one translation. Who is Jerusalem? What are you no longer called? What are you called? Read Jeremiah 30:16-17. How will God treat your enemies? How will he treat you?"
"You really won't understand your life as a woman until you understand this: You are passionately loved by the God of the universe. You are passionately hated by his Enemy."
"And so, dear heat, it is time for your restoration. For there is One greater than your Enemy. One who has sought you out from the beginning of time. He has come to heal your broken heart and restore your feminine soul. Let us turn now to Him."
"Dear Jesus, I am beginning to see the assault on my life and on my heart, as coming from the enemy. He has been fierce against me. I have been wounded and wounded deeply. And I am trying to believe, beginning to believe, that it was not all my fault. Not what I deserved. Oh, God, please come to my battered heart and heal me. Come to the places in my heart where I have believed the enemy's lies to me for so long and speak the truth to me, there. In those places. I need you. I need your protection. I need your mercy. I need your covering, your kindness, and your touch. Make me quick to recognize the ploys of the enemy and teach me to stand against them. please come for me, Jesus. And heal me. In your name, I pray. Amen".
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Ch. 4 "Wounded"
Welcome back ladies!
We are in Chapter 4 this week. Let's open with a prayer.
Dear, sweet Father, I ask your blessing over the hearts that gather here. This is such a tender work we are doing; delving into our past, examining our present and growing towards our future. Our hearts are so deeply wounded as you know even better than we. I ask not for your protection but for your gentle, loving guidance today. I ask that you reveal to us more of you and more of who we are to you. I ask that you give each of these women a sweet sign of your presence with them as they do this difficult work. You are the gentle healer and I move forward with confidence that your healing will be done in the depths of each heart before you today. I thank you for the opportunity to walk with these women and for your perfect love.
In Jesus' name,
Amen! :)
Hello sweet friends!
Before we get started with the next chapter. I wanted to clear up a little detail just in case there was any confusion. It is not necessary for anyone to answer every question listed unless of course they want to. :) Here is my thought process: When I make a post I will be including a number of questions from the workbook. I try to pick at least one question from each 'topic' in the chapter. This is just to make sure that there is an opportunity to discuss any and every facet of what is in the chapter and provide you the opportunity to choose. Because these chapters are packed full of good, soul healing, stuff that often means that there are LOTS of questions listed. I really want to give you each an opportunity to dig in wherever the Lord and your heart leads you. Please don't mistake that to mean that if you post you HAVE to answer every question. You just answer the ones that mean the most for you and/or the ones that you are most comfortable sharing. I realize that we all are very busy so you use this time in the best way for you and the Lord and we will all be blessed :)
Now! :) Let's begin!
Once again questions from our author's workbook
"How did you feel reading about Carrie's birthday morning? Cynical? Longing?"
"Was your mother comfortable with her femininity? How would you describe her, as a woman?" "Try to put some words to what you learned about femininity from watching your mother?" "What did your father value in women? What did you learn from him about femininity?"
"Did your father delight in you? (and I mean in honorable, appropriate ways). If he did (Oh how I hope he did), what about you did he delight in?"
"If, like me, your father didn't delight in you as a little girl, try to put some words to what you would have wanted him to say or do."
"What do you believe about yourself as a woman?" "How did the wounds you received shape the way you see yourself as a woman now?"
"Can you begin to see the 'vows' that you made on how you would live? (Again, ask for God's help here. These things run so deeply inside of us they are difficult to see.) What vows did you make?"
"Are you aware of a mistrust of God deep in your heart? Are you aware of ways you are trying to control your world? Are there times when you feel an ache and longing for more intimacy and more life? (That's good, by the way.)"
Let's close with a quick prayer, Lord, you know my wounds and you know how I have hidden and mistrusted you. Please come into my heart right now and fill the empty places with your love. Remind me that no matter what wounds I have or lies I've believed, you are my loving, gentle, perfect father who finds me delightful and captivating.
Ladies, I am so thankful for each of you. I am praying for you every day. Know that you are deeply and completely loved by the father who knit you together in the womb and claimed you as His own!
In Him
We are in Chapter 4 this week. Let's open with a prayer.
Dear, sweet Father, I ask your blessing over the hearts that gather here. This is such a tender work we are doing; delving into our past, examining our present and growing towards our future. Our hearts are so deeply wounded as you know even better than we. I ask not for your protection but for your gentle, loving guidance today. I ask that you reveal to us more of you and more of who we are to you. I ask that you give each of these women a sweet sign of your presence with them as they do this difficult work. You are the gentle healer and I move forward with confidence that your healing will be done in the depths of each heart before you today. I thank you for the opportunity to walk with these women and for your perfect love.
In Jesus' name,
Amen! :)
Hello sweet friends!
Before we get started with the next chapter. I wanted to clear up a little detail just in case there was any confusion. It is not necessary for anyone to answer every question listed unless of course they want to. :) Here is my thought process: When I make a post I will be including a number of questions from the workbook. I try to pick at least one question from each 'topic' in the chapter. This is just to make sure that there is an opportunity to discuss any and every facet of what is in the chapter and provide you the opportunity to choose. Because these chapters are packed full of good, soul healing, stuff that often means that there are LOTS of questions listed. I really want to give you each an opportunity to dig in wherever the Lord and your heart leads you. Please don't mistake that to mean that if you post you HAVE to answer every question. You just answer the ones that mean the most for you and/or the ones that you are most comfortable sharing. I realize that we all are very busy so you use this time in the best way for you and the Lord and we will all be blessed :)
Now! :) Let's begin!
Once again questions from our author's workbook
"How did you feel reading about Carrie's birthday morning? Cynical? Longing?"
"Was your mother comfortable with her femininity? How would you describe her, as a woman?" "Try to put some words to what you learned about femininity from watching your mother?" "What did your father value in women? What did you learn from him about femininity?"
"Did your father delight in you? (and I mean in honorable, appropriate ways). If he did (Oh how I hope he did), what about you did he delight in?"
"If, like me, your father didn't delight in you as a little girl, try to put some words to what you would have wanted him to say or do."
"What do you believe about yourself as a woman?" "How did the wounds you received shape the way you see yourself as a woman now?"
"Can you begin to see the 'vows' that you made on how you would live? (Again, ask for God's help here. These things run so deeply inside of us they are difficult to see.) What vows did you make?"
"Are you aware of a mistrust of God deep in your heart? Are you aware of ways you are trying to control your world? Are there times when you feel an ache and longing for more intimacy and more life? (That's good, by the way.)"
Let's close with a quick prayer, Lord, you know my wounds and you know how I have hidden and mistrusted you. Please come into my heart right now and fill the empty places with your love. Remind me that no matter what wounds I have or lies I've believed, you are my loving, gentle, perfect father who finds me delightful and captivating.
Ladies, I am so thankful for each of you. I am praying for you every day. Know that you are deeply and completely loved by the father who knit you together in the womb and claimed you as His own!
In Him
Monday, November 9, 2009
"I have a confession" from (in) courage
This is not my post but I related to it so completely and it applies to what God to learn in our study that I just HAD to share! Please check this out
This is not my post but I related to it so completely and it applies to what God to learn in our study that I just HAD to share! Please check this out
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Ch. 3 'Haunted by a Question'
Hello Sweet Ladies!
Before we dig into this chapter let's invite our Abba God in first.
Sweet Father, I ask you into our discussion here. I thank you for looking at us with love not judgement and I ask that you let each of us feel that love here and now. You are the definition and the living example of perfect love and we are so thankful for it. I ask that you lead our hearts and our words and that with your help we will all have a greater understanding of you when we leave here. Thank you Lord!
I will be taking our questions from the workbook as always and I'll throw in my own now and then too! :) Fair warning: These are some tough questions that she asks and I think that is the best part. I will answer honestly here and hope that you will feel safe enough to do so yourself; if not here (in 'public') then somewhere safe for you. These answers are for your heart and God's above all else. :)
First, as you look back over the chapter, what struck you? Did you highlight anything? What did it speak to your heart?
"Every woman in the core of her being is haunted by Eve. She knows, if only when she passes a mirror, that she is not what she was meant to be. We are more keenly aware of our own shortcomings than anyone else. Remembering the glory that was once ours awakens my heart to an ache that has long gone unfulfilled. It's almost too much to hope for, too much to have lost. Are you aware of your own beauty? (Your possess it, dear one. You do.) How did you feel exploring Eve in the last chapter?"
"How does your fallen nature most often reveal itself?" "With what do you tend to indulge yourself?"
"Why do so few women have anything close to a life of romance? Loneliness and emptiness are far more common themes--so entirely common that most women buried their longings for romance long ago and are living now merely to survive, get through the week. ."
"Are you aware of loneliness deep within your heart?"
"Can you relate to my lipstick story? Are you aware of the ways in which you hide, trying not to be 'seen'?"
"When the world was young and we were innocent---both man and woman--we were 'naked and unashamed'(Gen. 2:25NKJV). Nothing to hide. Simply...glorious. And while the world was young and we too, were young and beautiful and full of life, a corner was turned. Something happened which we have heard about but never fully understood.
We fell.
The woman was convinced. The fruit looked so fresh and delicious, and it would make her so wise! So she ate some of the fruit. She also gave some to her husband who was with her. Then he ate it too(Gen 3:6 NLT).
The woman was convinced. Convinced of what? She was convinced that God was holding out on her. Convinced she could not trust his heart toward her. In order to have the life she believed she needed, she was convinced she must take matters into her own hands. And so she did."
"Look into your own heart. Ask God to gently show you where you have this tendency as well."
"Eve failed as Adam's ezer kenegdo. Rather than bringing him life, she invited him his death. And Adam failed Eve as well. He offered not his strength but his silence; not his protection but his passivity. Have you seen this played out in your life? Seen it this week? Last night?"
"Fallen Eve controls her relationships. She refuses to be venerable. . .". ". . .as C.S. Lewis said, 'Who live for others. You can tell the others by their haunted expression." "In what ways are you a controlling, dominating woman?"
Question from Kandice: Have you been on the other side of that coin and been 'desolate'? What does that look like in your own life?
"What would it be like to ask those you love and live with, what you are like to live with? Or to ask your friends, how they experience you as a woman? Too risky? Pray about it. It can be a very scary thing to do but also a very enlightening thing as well."
"Every woman knows now that she is not what she was meant to be. And she fears that soon it will be known--if it hasn't already been discovered--and that she will be abandoned. Left alone to die a death of the heart. That is a woman's worst fear-abandonment. Take a moment. Underneath, in the deepest recesses of your heart. . . .is this fear there? The fear that you will end up abandoned and alone?"
"Take a moment and invite God in. Into the places in your heart where you feel you need to hide or control or indulge in order to be safe and well. Ask him to speak to you about these places...and to give you the courage to begin to trust him with your life in ever deeper ways."
"Let's close our time today with prayer.
Dear God, merciful God. I need your help. Please forgive me for the ways that I choose to live that have nothing to do with trusting you. Please come for me. Reveal to me the ways that I live that are not pleasing to you and grant me the grace of a deep and true repentance. Please speak to my deep heart where I need to hear from you. How do you see me? Am I lovely to you? I give you permission to have your way with me. Reveal to me more of who you are God and who I am to you. Thank you. In Jesus' name. Amen."
OK I know I say this a lot with this book but WOW! This are some real revaluations for me and I am so thankful to have you all along with me! My prayer for you sweet ladies is that our Loving Father is speaking to your heart in a very personal and precious way. I know that he rejoices in this time with you His most precious daughter and so do I! Looking forward to our discussion!
With Love,
Before we dig into this chapter let's invite our Abba God in first.
Sweet Father, I ask you into our discussion here. I thank you for looking at us with love not judgement and I ask that you let each of us feel that love here and now. You are the definition and the living example of perfect love and we are so thankful for it. I ask that you lead our hearts and our words and that with your help we will all have a greater understanding of you when we leave here. Thank you Lord!
I will be taking our questions from the workbook as always and I'll throw in my own now and then too! :) Fair warning: These are some tough questions that she asks and I think that is the best part. I will answer honestly here and hope that you will feel safe enough to do so yourself; if not here (in 'public') then somewhere safe for you. These answers are for your heart and God's above all else. :)
First, as you look back over the chapter, what struck you? Did you highlight anything? What did it speak to your heart?
"Every woman in the core of her being is haunted by Eve. She knows, if only when she passes a mirror, that she is not what she was meant to be. We are more keenly aware of our own shortcomings than anyone else. Remembering the glory that was once ours awakens my heart to an ache that has long gone unfulfilled. It's almost too much to hope for, too much to have lost. Are you aware of your own beauty? (Your possess it, dear one. You do.) How did you feel exploring Eve in the last chapter?"
"How does your fallen nature most often reveal itself?" "With what do you tend to indulge yourself?"
"Why do so few women have anything close to a life of romance? Loneliness and emptiness are far more common themes--so entirely common that most women buried their longings for romance long ago and are living now merely to survive, get through the week. ."
"Are you aware of loneliness deep within your heart?"
"Can you relate to my lipstick story? Are you aware of the ways in which you hide, trying not to be 'seen'?"
"When the world was young and we were innocent---both man and woman--we were 'naked and unashamed'(Gen. 2:25NKJV). Nothing to hide. Simply...glorious. And while the world was young and we too, were young and beautiful and full of life, a corner was turned. Something happened which we have heard about but never fully understood.
We fell.
The woman was convinced. The fruit looked so fresh and delicious, and it would make her so wise! So she ate some of the fruit. She also gave some to her husband who was with her. Then he ate it too(Gen 3:6 NLT).
The woman was convinced. Convinced of what? She was convinced that God was holding out on her. Convinced she could not trust his heart toward her. In order to have the life she believed she needed, she was convinced she must take matters into her own hands. And so she did."
"Look into your own heart. Ask God to gently show you where you have this tendency as well."
"Eve failed as Adam's ezer kenegdo. Rather than bringing him life, she invited him his death. And Adam failed Eve as well. He offered not his strength but his silence; not his protection but his passivity. Have you seen this played out in your life? Seen it this week? Last night?"
"Fallen Eve controls her relationships. She refuses to be venerable. . .". ". . .as C.S. Lewis said, 'Who live for others. You can tell the others by their haunted expression." "In what ways are you a controlling, dominating woman?"
Question from Kandice: Have you been on the other side of that coin and been 'desolate'? What does that look like in your own life?
"What would it be like to ask those you love and live with, what you are like to live with? Or to ask your friends, how they experience you as a woman? Too risky? Pray about it. It can be a very scary thing to do but also a very enlightening thing as well."
"Every woman knows now that she is not what she was meant to be. And she fears that soon it will be known--if it hasn't already been discovered--and that she will be abandoned. Left alone to die a death of the heart. That is a woman's worst fear-abandonment. Take a moment. Underneath, in the deepest recesses of your heart. . . .is this fear there? The fear that you will end up abandoned and alone?"
"Take a moment and invite God in. Into the places in your heart where you feel you need to hide or control or indulge in order to be safe and well. Ask him to speak to you about these places...and to give you the courage to begin to trust him with your life in ever deeper ways."
"Let's close our time today with prayer.
Dear God, merciful God. I need your help. Please forgive me for the ways that I choose to live that have nothing to do with trusting you. Please come for me. Reveal to me the ways that I live that are not pleasing to you and grant me the grace of a deep and true repentance. Please speak to my deep heart where I need to hear from you. How do you see me? Am I lovely to you? I give you permission to have your way with me. Reveal to me more of who you are God and who I am to you. Thank you. In Jesus' name. Amen."
OK I know I say this a lot with this book but WOW! This are some real revaluations for me and I am so thankful to have you all along with me! My prayer for you sweet ladies is that our Loving Father is speaking to your heart in a very personal and precious way. I know that he rejoices in this time with you His most precious daughter and so do I! Looking forward to our discussion!
With Love,
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Ch. 2 "What Eve Alone Can Tell"
OK ladies once again before we begin let's open with a prayer and invite our Abba God into our discussion. This time I'm going to take our prayer directly from the workbook Stasi just has a way with words. :)
"Dear Jesus, I love you. I need you. I come before you now, once again, as yours, asking for your help, your grace. My life is yours. My heart is yours. Would you please come and shine your light into the depths of my heart that I might understand myself better and come to know your healing and your presence more deeply. Help me to remember what I need to remember. Help me to see, lift the veil of shame and help me to see what it mean ts that I bear your own image--as a woman. Jesus. I give you access to all of my heart. I invite you into every part. Come. Holy Spirit, have your way--that I might love you, God, more deeply and truly with all of my heart, soul, mind and strength. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen."
I LOVE THIS CHAPTER!!!! :) The first time I read this chapter I could NOT control my excitement! Our friend Betty can attest to that fact.:) I can tell you that it's the very first time in my entire life that I got a really long look at the beauty God made in me. As new as it felt, at the same time, there was something familiar about it as well. For as long as I can remember I have felt that I was created for something special, something important, something world changing! I could never quite put my finger on it but my heart was so full of the knowledge that I was meant for something special that it kept me going when life should have been overwhelming. When I read this chapter my heart just SOARED! SO THAT'S IT!!! THAT IS FROM GOD!!!! I AM SPECIAL! It is still so exciting to me that I'm bouncing around in my chair trying to get all the excitement from my heart through my fingertips and onto this page!! As hard as I try I just can't do justice to the joy I feel. I'll just have to settle for LOTS of 'all caps' and exclamation points!!!! ;-)
Once again I'll be taking discussion questions from our workbook.
As you can tell, what struck me in this chapter most deeply was the knowledge that Eve (I) was NOT an afterthought! We as women are not just an appendage. We are the climax of story, the crowning jewel of creation! WOW!! WOW!!! What struck you in this chapter? Did you underline anything?
"The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. Gen. 2:7 NKJV It is worth noting here the glorious intimacy of man's creation. All the rest of God's masterpiece sprung into being merly from God speaking it to be. 'Then God spoke. . .' But when it came time for God to create his image bearers, he formed them with his own hands. He breathed life into them himself. What do you think about that?"
"Eve is created because things were not right without her. Something was not good. 'It is not good for the man to be alone.' (Gen 2:18) NKJV. This just staggers us. Think of it. The world is young and completely unstained. Adam is yet in his innocence and full of glory. He walks with God. Nothing stands between them. They share something none of us has ever known-only longed for: an unbroken friendship, untouched by sin. Yet something is not good? Something is missing? What could it possibly be? Eve. Woman. Femininity. Wow. Talk about Significance.
Have you thought about being a woman in this way? What would it do for your heart to embrace this truth?"
"The vast desire and capacity a woman has for intimate relationships tells us of God's vast desire and capacity for intimate relationships. In fact, this may be the most important thing we ever learn about God--that he yearns for relationship with us. 'Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God'(John 17:3NKJV). The whole story of the Bible is a love story between God and his people. he years for us. He cares. He has a tender heart. Have you seen God as yearning for you? As longing to be loved by you?"
"How does it change the way you feel about your own heart's desires to hear that through Eve God makes romance a priority of the universe?"
"That longing in the heart of a woman to share life together as a great adventure--that comes straight from the heart of God, who also longs for this. He does not want to be an optional in our lives. He does not want to be an appendage, a tag-along. Neither does any woman. God is essential. He wants us to need him-desperately. Eve is essential. She has an irreplaceable role to play. And so you'll see that women are endowed with fierce devotion, an ability to suffer great hardships, a vision to make the world a better place. How does your heart respond?"
"Beauty is such a source of struggle for women. So let's really dig deep here-for clarity, and for the healing of our hearts. Beauty matters to God. Very much. But lest you fall into despair, here is very good news. You possess it. Yes, you. True beauty. (I know you just rolled your eyes, by the way). It may take the whole book to begin to clear this up, so hang in there. Let the emotions come. Invite Jesus into the whole way you feel about beauty-especially your beauty. Beauty is powerful. It is dangerous. It matters. Let's explore why.
First, Beauty Speaks. Being with a woman who is at rest, a woman comfortable within her own beauty, is an enjoyable experience. She is trusting God, not striving to become beautiful, but allowing his beauty to more fully inhabit her. Have you had the experience of being with a woman who is stressed, striving, worried? And how did you feel around her? Have you had the pleasure of being with a woman who is resting in God and knowing that all will be well? How did you feel around her? What kind of woman do you tend to be?"
"Beauty Also Invites. . . Recall what it is like to hear a truly beautiful piece of music. It captures you; you want to sit down and just drink it in. We buy the CD and play it many times over(this is not visual, showing us that beauty is deeper than looks.) Music like this commands your attention, invites you to come more deeply into it."
"Beauty nourishes. It is a kind of food our souls crave. A woman's breast is among the loveliest of all god's works, and it is with her breast she nourishes a baby-a stunning picture of the way in which Beauty itself nourishes us. In fact, a woman's body is one of the most beautiful of all God's creations. 'Too much of eternity', as Blake said, 'for the eye of man.' It nourishes, offers life. That is such profound metaphor for Beauty itself. As Lewis said, We do not want merely to see beauty, though, God knows, even that is bounty enough. We want something else which can hardly be put into words-to be united with the beauty we see, to pass into it, to receive it into ourselves (The Weight of Glory)
Have you had that experience? Where? When? What was it like?"
"One of the deepest ways a woman bears the image of God is in her mystery. By mystery we don't mean'forever beyond your knowing,' but 'something to be explored'. 'It is the glory of God to conceal a matter,' says the book of Proverbs, 'to search out a matter is the glory of kings' (25:2 NKJV). God yearns to be known., but he wants to be sought after by those who would know him. He says, 'You shall find me when you seek me with all your heart' (Jer. 29:13 NKJV). Are you aware of this yearning, as a woman? And are you being sought after these days?"
"Whatever else it means to be feminine, it is depth and mystery and complexity, with beauty as their very essence. Now, lest despair set in, let us say as clearly as we can:
Every woman has a beauty to unveil. Every woman. Because she bears the image of God. She doesn't have to conjure it, go get it from a salon, have plastic surgery or a breast implant. No, beauty is an essence that is given to every woman at her creation."
"What if? What if this really is true about you--that you ARE captivating woman? Let your heart go there for a moment; what does it bring?"
"O Jesus, come into this place in my heart. Help me to believe that you have given me your beauty. That I am a woman through and through, and because of your creation in me, I, too, have a heart for romance, I, too, am life-saver, and I do have beauty to offer the world. I ask this in your name. Amen."
WOW! AMAZING CHAPTER RIGHT??? I know this is a long one and if you stuck with me all the way THANK YOU! I want to encourage you to think on these questions for a while. Even if you decide not to post your answers here, I encourage you to write your answers down somewhere, a journal, a note pad but most of all on your heart. God LOVES YOU and has something vital to speak to your heart. It is no accident that you are here now reading his words for you. It is in His Divine purpose that you be wrapped in His arms, filled with His love for you and secure in the knowledge that you are His true love vital in His universe!
That is my prayer for you today and every day.
Be blessed today sweet princesses!
In His Love,
"Dear Jesus, I love you. I need you. I come before you now, once again, as yours, asking for your help, your grace. My life is yours. My heart is yours. Would you please come and shine your light into the depths of my heart that I might understand myself better and come to know your healing and your presence more deeply. Help me to remember what I need to remember. Help me to see, lift the veil of shame and help me to see what it mean ts that I bear your own image--as a woman. Jesus. I give you access to all of my heart. I invite you into every part. Come. Holy Spirit, have your way--that I might love you, God, more deeply and truly with all of my heart, soul, mind and strength. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen."
I LOVE THIS CHAPTER!!!! :) The first time I read this chapter I could NOT control my excitement! Our friend Betty can attest to that fact.:) I can tell you that it's the very first time in my entire life that I got a really long look at the beauty God made in me. As new as it felt, at the same time, there was something familiar about it as well. For as long as I can remember I have felt that I was created for something special, something important, something world changing! I could never quite put my finger on it but my heart was so full of the knowledge that I was meant for something special that it kept me going when life should have been overwhelming. When I read this chapter my heart just SOARED! SO THAT'S IT!!! THAT IS FROM GOD!!!! I AM SPECIAL! It is still so exciting to me that I'm bouncing around in my chair trying to get all the excitement from my heart through my fingertips and onto this page!! As hard as I try I just can't do justice to the joy I feel. I'll just have to settle for LOTS of 'all caps' and exclamation points!!!! ;-)
Once again I'll be taking discussion questions from our workbook.
As you can tell, what struck me in this chapter most deeply was the knowledge that Eve (I) was NOT an afterthought! We as women are not just an appendage. We are the climax of story, the crowning jewel of creation! WOW!! WOW!!! What struck you in this chapter? Did you underline anything?
"The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. Gen. 2:7 NKJV It is worth noting here the glorious intimacy of man's creation. All the rest of God's masterpiece sprung into being merly from God speaking it to be. 'Then God spoke. . .' But when it came time for God to create his image bearers, he formed them with his own hands. He breathed life into them himself. What do you think about that?"
"Eve is created because things were not right without her. Something was not good. 'It is not good for the man to be alone.' (Gen 2:18) NKJV. This just staggers us. Think of it. The world is young and completely unstained. Adam is yet in his innocence and full of glory. He walks with God. Nothing stands between them. They share something none of us has ever known-only longed for: an unbroken friendship, untouched by sin. Yet something is not good? Something is missing? What could it possibly be? Eve. Woman. Femininity. Wow. Talk about Significance.
Have you thought about being a woman in this way? What would it do for your heart to embrace this truth?"
"The vast desire and capacity a woman has for intimate relationships tells us of God's vast desire and capacity for intimate relationships. In fact, this may be the most important thing we ever learn about God--that he yearns for relationship with us. 'Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God'(John 17:3NKJV). The whole story of the Bible is a love story between God and his people. he years for us. He cares. He has a tender heart. Have you seen God as yearning for you? As longing to be loved by you?"
"How does it change the way you feel about your own heart's desires to hear that through Eve God makes romance a priority of the universe?"
"That longing in the heart of a woman to share life together as a great adventure--that comes straight from the heart of God, who also longs for this. He does not want to be an optional in our lives. He does not want to be an appendage, a tag-along. Neither does any woman. God is essential. He wants us to need him-desperately. Eve is essential. She has an irreplaceable role to play. And so you'll see that women are endowed with fierce devotion, an ability to suffer great hardships, a vision to make the world a better place. How does your heart respond?"
"Beauty is such a source of struggle for women. So let's really dig deep here-for clarity, and for the healing of our hearts. Beauty matters to God. Very much. But lest you fall into despair, here is very good news. You possess it. Yes, you. True beauty. (I know you just rolled your eyes, by the way). It may take the whole book to begin to clear this up, so hang in there. Let the emotions come. Invite Jesus into the whole way you feel about beauty-especially your beauty. Beauty is powerful. It is dangerous. It matters. Let's explore why.
First, Beauty Speaks. Being with a woman who is at rest, a woman comfortable within her own beauty, is an enjoyable experience. She is trusting God, not striving to become beautiful, but allowing his beauty to more fully inhabit her. Have you had the experience of being with a woman who is stressed, striving, worried? And how did you feel around her? Have you had the pleasure of being with a woman who is resting in God and knowing that all will be well? How did you feel around her? What kind of woman do you tend to be?"
"Beauty Also Invites. . . Recall what it is like to hear a truly beautiful piece of music. It captures you; you want to sit down and just drink it in. We buy the CD and play it many times over(this is not visual, showing us that beauty is deeper than looks.) Music like this commands your attention, invites you to come more deeply into it."
"Beauty nourishes. It is a kind of food our souls crave. A woman's breast is among the loveliest of all god's works, and it is with her breast she nourishes a baby-a stunning picture of the way in which Beauty itself nourishes us. In fact, a woman's body is one of the most beautiful of all God's creations. 'Too much of eternity', as Blake said, 'for the eye of man.' It nourishes, offers life. That is such profound metaphor for Beauty itself. As Lewis said, We do not want merely to see beauty, though, God knows, even that is bounty enough. We want something else which can hardly be put into words-to be united with the beauty we see, to pass into it, to receive it into ourselves (The Weight of Glory)
Have you had that experience? Where? When? What was it like?"
"One of the deepest ways a woman bears the image of God is in her mystery. By mystery we don't mean'forever beyond your knowing,' but 'something to be explored'. 'It is the glory of God to conceal a matter,' says the book of Proverbs, 'to search out a matter is the glory of kings' (25:2 NKJV). God yearns to be known., but he wants to be sought after by those who would know him. He says, 'You shall find me when you seek me with all your heart' (Jer. 29:13 NKJV). Are you aware of this yearning, as a woman? And are you being sought after these days?"
"Whatever else it means to be feminine, it is depth and mystery and complexity, with beauty as their very essence. Now, lest despair set in, let us say as clearly as we can:
Every woman has a beauty to unveil. Every woman. Because she bears the image of God. She doesn't have to conjure it, go get it from a salon, have plastic surgery or a breast implant. No, beauty is an essence that is given to every woman at her creation."
"What if? What if this really is true about you--that you ARE captivating woman? Let your heart go there for a moment; what does it bring?"
"O Jesus, come into this place in my heart. Help me to believe that you have given me your beauty. That I am a woman through and through, and because of your creation in me, I, too, have a heart for romance, I, too, am life-saver, and I do have beauty to offer the world. I ask this in your name. Amen."
WOW! AMAZING CHAPTER RIGHT??? I know this is a long one and if you stuck with me all the way THANK YOU! I want to encourage you to think on these questions for a while. Even if you decide not to post your answers here, I encourage you to write your answers down somewhere, a journal, a note pad but most of all on your heart. God LOVES YOU and has something vital to speak to your heart. It is no accident that you are here now reading his words for you. It is in His Divine purpose that you be wrapped in His arms, filled with His love for you and secure in the knowledge that you are His true love vital in His universe!
That is my prayer for you today and every day.
Be blessed today sweet princesses!
In His Love,
Friday, October 16, 2009
Into the Darkness by Christie Weehunt SOS Ministries Part IV of IV
Blog / Education, Human Trafficking, News, Team Updates, Uncategorized / Hope for the Darkness (Part IV of IV)
Hope for the Darkness (Part IV of IV)
Posted on October 16th, 2009.
by Christie Weehunt, 23
-India Office Liaison for Sower of Seeds International Ministries
Hope for the Darkness
He will help the oppressed, who have none to defend them…
“73.7% of all girls trapped inside the brothel system must be rescued if they are to ever reach the outside world again.” –Kamala Sarup, Nepal correspondent with Lys Anzia, Women News Network
If the story were to end when we walked out of the district, I would be hopeless. I don’t want to see a need just to be better informed. I don’t want God to break my heart just for the sake of breaking it. I believe that there is a bigger purpose–that God allows us to see things not only for awareness, but because He invites us to be the solution.
God is moving in the red light district. He is rescuing, saving, healing and transforming. He will redeem the helpless. One way or another, His justice will cover them. He is already raising an army:
Former prostitutes.
Former madams.
Former pimps.
And you.
Vast darkness may seem overwhelming, but He is a very Big God. When His beloved is a shield for the powerless, even nations will quake with His glory.
For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. –Romans 8:38-39 (NASB)
[To learn more about Red Light Rescue visit]
Hope for the Darkness (Part IV of IV)
Posted on October 16th, 2009.
by Christie Weehunt, 23
-India Office Liaison for Sower of Seeds International Ministries
Hope for the Darkness
He will help the oppressed, who have none to defend them…
“73.7% of all girls trapped inside the brothel system must be rescued if they are to ever reach the outside world again.” –Kamala Sarup, Nepal correspondent with Lys Anzia, Women News Network
If the story were to end when we walked out of the district, I would be hopeless. I don’t want to see a need just to be better informed. I don’t want God to break my heart just for the sake of breaking it. I believe that there is a bigger purpose–that God allows us to see things not only for awareness, but because He invites us to be the solution.
God is moving in the red light district. He is rescuing, saving, healing and transforming. He will redeem the helpless. One way or another, His justice will cover them. He is already raising an army:
Former prostitutes.
Former madams.
Former pimps.
And you.
Vast darkness may seem overwhelming, but He is a very Big God. When His beloved is a shield for the powerless, even nations will quake with His glory.
For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. –Romans 8:38-39 (NASB)
[To learn more about Red Light Rescue visit]
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Born Into Darkness by Christie Weehunt SOS Ministries
Born Into Darkness (Part III of IV)
October 15th, 2009
In another brothel, a woman sat next to me on the floor, wearing a beautiful blue-flowered sari. This woman had sent her daughter to a home for children because she didn’t want her to grow up as a prostitute. When we prayed for her, one of our team (a mother too) hugged her and began wailing as the woman cried. They grieved together for her deep loss, one mother to another.
October 15th, 2009
In another brothel, a woman sat next to me on the floor, wearing a beautiful blue-flowered sari. This woman had sent her daughter to a home for children because she didn’t want her to grow up as a prostitute. When we prayed for her, one of our team (a mother too) hugged her and began wailing as the woman cried. They grieved together for her deep loss, one mother to another.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Trapped in the Darkness: Christie Weehunt SOS Ministries
Trapped in the darkness (Part II of IV)
Posted on October 14th, 2009.
by Christie Weehunt, 23
-India Office Liaison for Sower of Seeds International Ministries
The Victims
Trapped in the darkness…
In Asia’s largest red light district, three square kilometers are home to an estimated 40,000 women working its 24 lanes, earning at least $200 million a year in revenue for their traffickers. They service up to 25 clients a day and make around $1.50 per client.
Although young, the women carried ancient heaviness. As we prayed, each face expressed something different.
The girl to my left was dressed in the classic skirt and tank top that many of the young prostitutes wear. She was from east India, maybe Nagaland or Shilong and looked to be around twenty-two. She cried the entire time we were there, but when we prayed for her, she sobbed. Looking into her eyes I could see both desperation and hope.
I thought about some of the stories I heard before we came—a girl with a large scar on her forearm where a client had paid to cut the skin off with a razor. Another whose pimp sent man after man to rape her until she gave in to his demand of walking the street for him. Girls kept in secret cages, beaten, starved, abandoned. The poverty in India is horrendous. Most of these women were from the poorest, most desolate slums where their families could not imagine a worse fate for them than the one they were born into. And yet, here they were…
One woman really caught my attention. She was about nineteen and had a black scarf with brightly colored stripes pinned tightly along her hairline, covering her hair. As she gazed, her eyes, lined with thick black cagel (coal eyeliner), revealed years of abuse and neglect. There was openness about her, but also the oppression of a seductive spirit. I could feel the spiritual battle going on for her soul.
I thought of the woman with the Alabaster jar–how overcome she must have felt when Jesus looked at her with love. In the midst of this brothel, with its curtained “rooms” and hollow inhabitants, I have never before felt a more real, tangible presence of Jesus. Even in the dark-stained eyes of this forgotten daughter, He was with her, like a warm, bright light. It was like He was physically standing next to her saying “This is my daughter. The world has forgotten about her, but I haven’t forgotten. I’m right here with her, right here as everyday she is mistreated. I see it all and I don’t leave for one second.”
Check back to read Part III tomorrow… “Born into Darkness”
Take a pledge to end this horrible form of slavery…
Posted on October 14th, 2009.
by Christie Weehunt, 23
-India Office Liaison for Sower of Seeds International Ministries
The Victims
Trapped in the darkness…
In Asia’s largest red light district, three square kilometers are home to an estimated 40,000 women working its 24 lanes, earning at least $200 million a year in revenue for their traffickers. They service up to 25 clients a day and make around $1.50 per client.
Although young, the women carried ancient heaviness. As we prayed, each face expressed something different.
The girl to my left was dressed in the classic skirt and tank top that many of the young prostitutes wear. She was from east India, maybe Nagaland or Shilong and looked to be around twenty-two. She cried the entire time we were there, but when we prayed for her, she sobbed. Looking into her eyes I could see both desperation and hope.
I thought about some of the stories I heard before we came—a girl with a large scar on her forearm where a client had paid to cut the skin off with a razor. Another whose pimp sent man after man to rape her until she gave in to his demand of walking the street for him. Girls kept in secret cages, beaten, starved, abandoned. The poverty in India is horrendous. Most of these women were from the poorest, most desolate slums where their families could not imagine a worse fate for them than the one they were born into. And yet, here they were…
One woman really caught my attention. She was about nineteen and had a black scarf with brightly colored stripes pinned tightly along her hairline, covering her hair. As she gazed, her eyes, lined with thick black cagel (coal eyeliner), revealed years of abuse and neglect. There was openness about her, but also the oppression of a seductive spirit. I could feel the spiritual battle going on for her soul.
I thought of the woman with the Alabaster jar–how overcome she must have felt when Jesus looked at her with love. In the midst of this brothel, with its curtained “rooms” and hollow inhabitants, I have never before felt a more real, tangible presence of Jesus. Even in the dark-stained eyes of this forgotten daughter, He was with her, like a warm, bright light. It was like He was physically standing next to her saying “This is my daughter. The world has forgotten about her, but I haven’t forgotten. I’m right here with her, right here as everyday she is mistreated. I see it all and I don’t leave for one second.”
Check back to read Part III tomorrow… “Born into Darkness”
Take a pledge to end this horrible form of slavery…
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Into the Heart of Darkness by Christie Weehunt SOS International
These are Daughters of the King. He hasn't forgotten them and we can't either! There is a link at the bottom so you can get involved!
Into The Heart of Darkness
by Christie Weehunt, 23
India Office Liaison for Sower of Seeds International
In the summer of 2009, a group from SOS dressed in Indian attire and entered Asia’s largest red light district to pray for the prostitutes working inside. Guiding us were several Indian women who minister daily to these forgotten daughters. What we saw on the streets and in the brothels was dark and horrible, but deeper still were the seeds of Christ, shining like lamps of hope.
His eyes are on His precious ones, and He is hungry for their redemption.
The Darkness
A few facts…
• Human trafficking: The act of recruiting, transporting, transferring, harboring, or receipt of persons by use of force, coercion, abduction, fraud, deception, abuse of power or vulnerability, or giving of payments to a person in control of the victim. Victims are purposed for sexual exploitation, forced labor, slavery, or removal of organs.
• In India, there are over 3 million sex trafficking victims, 1.2 million of them are children. Girls between 10 and 12 fetch the highest price. They are thrown in cages for up to 3 years while they are repeatedly raped, beaten, and tortured until they lose all of their will. Then they are sent out on the streets as prostitutes, making money for their captors.
I was told we were dressing up in Indian outfits to minister in the darkest, dirtiest corner of Asia: the largest red light district. I had no idea what it would be like, but I knew I would never forget the day.
As we walked down the crowded, narrow lanes, we had to step carefully over the heaping piles of trash and sewage at our feet. Rats scurried everywhere. It was late morning and the district was slowly waking up after a night’s work. Women were playing with their children and doing each other’s hair. Street vendors were making breakfast and selling tea. Tables full of pimps were out playing cards and relaxing.
Walking into that first brothel was like walking into a slum house. There were probably twelve women my age crowded around our team as we entered. We squeezed into the front room–as many women as could fit. A curtain blocked the entrance to their “rooms.” Small children mingled all around. An occasional customer came by, but the madam turned them away at the door. Her girls had special visitors.
I was mesmerized by the place, the faces. I looked at each of the women present, captured by what I saw in their eyes. Some blankly stared outside, others cried. I wanted to know each woman’s story, where she was from, how she ended up here.
But for a little geography, it could have been me.
Vast darkness may seem overwhelming, but He is a very Big God. When His beloved shields the powerless, even nations quake with His glory.
For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. –Romans 8:38-39 (NASB)
To learn more about Red Light Rescue visit
Sign a pledge to help the forgotten daughters here:
Into The Heart of Darkness
by Christie Weehunt, 23
India Office Liaison for Sower of Seeds International
In the summer of 2009, a group from SOS dressed in Indian attire and entered Asia’s largest red light district to pray for the prostitutes working inside. Guiding us were several Indian women who minister daily to these forgotten daughters. What we saw on the streets and in the brothels was dark and horrible, but deeper still were the seeds of Christ, shining like lamps of hope.
His eyes are on His precious ones, and He is hungry for their redemption.
The Darkness
A few facts…
• Human trafficking: The act of recruiting, transporting, transferring, harboring, or receipt of persons by use of force, coercion, abduction, fraud, deception, abuse of power or vulnerability, or giving of payments to a person in control of the victim. Victims are purposed for sexual exploitation, forced labor, slavery, or removal of organs.
• In India, there are over 3 million sex trafficking victims, 1.2 million of them are children. Girls between 10 and 12 fetch the highest price. They are thrown in cages for up to 3 years while they are repeatedly raped, beaten, and tortured until they lose all of their will. Then they are sent out on the streets as prostitutes, making money for their captors.
I was told we were dressing up in Indian outfits to minister in the darkest, dirtiest corner of Asia: the largest red light district. I had no idea what it would be like, but I knew I would never forget the day.
As we walked down the crowded, narrow lanes, we had to step carefully over the heaping piles of trash and sewage at our feet. Rats scurried everywhere. It was late morning and the district was slowly waking up after a night’s work. Women were playing with their children and doing each other’s hair. Street vendors were making breakfast and selling tea. Tables full of pimps were out playing cards and relaxing.
Walking into that first brothel was like walking into a slum house. There were probably twelve women my age crowded around our team as we entered. We squeezed into the front room–as many women as could fit. A curtain blocked the entrance to their “rooms.” Small children mingled all around. An occasional customer came by, but the madam turned them away at the door. Her girls had special visitors.
I was mesmerized by the place, the faces. I looked at each of the women present, captured by what I saw in their eyes. Some blankly stared outside, others cried. I wanted to know each woman’s story, where she was from, how she ended up here.
But for a little geography, it could have been me.
Vast darkness may seem overwhelming, but He is a very Big God. When His beloved shields the powerless, even nations quake with His glory.
For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. –Romans 8:38-39 (NASB)
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Monday, October 12, 2009
Ch. 1 'The Heart of a Woman'
Well friends, this is it! FINALLY! The first official post of our group together. Thank you SO much for having the courage to join us here. I am so thankful for you.
Before we begin I'd like to take the cue from Stasi, one of our authors, and pray together to invite God to our group and into our hearts. Even though it's a bit different while online I hope that you will pray with me. :)
You alone know these women to their souls. You created in them, the desires they feel stirring in their hearts. You created in them an astounding beauty that is the uniquely perfect image of You that they were each created to bring to the earth. I thank You for each and every one of them. I thank You for the amazing gift of being a servant leader to these beautiful creations of Yours. I ask that You move into this group. Do a supernatural work in this unique method of study and move into each of these women's time here in an overwhelming way. Surround them in Your love and begin unveiling their hearts to them wherever they are in this moment. Pour out Your blessing on us all and amaze us with Your beauty within us! We ask You to lead us and have Your way with our thoughts and our hearts. We know we are safe with You, our sweet Father. We thank You and praise Your Name.
Now, let's embark on this adventure with God!
First, What did you think? How do you feel after reading this first chapter? Were you surprised? Relieved? Annoyed? Share it with us!
Next, our questions this week are directly from the 'Guided Journal' written by John and Stasi Eldredge. I will pick a few from there to post. You chose which you would feel comfortable posting your thoughts and answers to.
"As you flip back over chapter one in Captivating and skim the pages did you highlight anything? What strikes you? what did it evoke in your heart?"
What if anything in this chapter are you having a hard time believing?
"I know I am not alone in this nagging sense of failing to measure up, a feeling of not being good enough as a woman. Every woman I've ever met feels it--something deeper than just the sense of failing at what she does. An underlying, gut feeling of failing at who she is. I am not enough, and, I am too much, at the same time.
"Have you ever felt that way? Are you feeling it these days? In what ways?
Do you feel that if you were 'better' life wouldn't be so hard? 'Better' in what ways?"
Lastly, "What would it feel like to know that Jesus, your King, is enthralled by your beauty?"
There you go sweet ladies! Please know that you are dear and precious to Him and that wherever He leads you is exactly where you need to be. If you feel comfortable posting WONDERFUL! If you don't feel comfortable posting that is also WONDERFUL! I'm just so glad you are on this journey with us. I'll be checking back every day to keep the conversation going.
I am really looking forward to hearing from you all.
Be Blessed,
Daughters of the King!
Before we begin I'd like to take the cue from Stasi, one of our authors, and pray together to invite God to our group and into our hearts. Even though it's a bit different while online I hope that you will pray with me. :)
You alone know these women to their souls. You created in them, the desires they feel stirring in their hearts. You created in them an astounding beauty that is the uniquely perfect image of You that they were each created to bring to the earth. I thank You for each and every one of them. I thank You for the amazing gift of being a servant leader to these beautiful creations of Yours. I ask that You move into this group. Do a supernatural work in this unique method of study and move into each of these women's time here in an overwhelming way. Surround them in Your love and begin unveiling their hearts to them wherever they are in this moment. Pour out Your blessing on us all and amaze us with Your beauty within us! We ask You to lead us and have Your way with our thoughts and our hearts. We know we are safe with You, our sweet Father. We thank You and praise Your Name.
Now, let's embark on this adventure with God!
First, What did you think? How do you feel after reading this first chapter? Were you surprised? Relieved? Annoyed? Share it with us!
Next, our questions this week are directly from the 'Guided Journal' written by John and Stasi Eldredge. I will pick a few from there to post. You chose which you would feel comfortable posting your thoughts and answers to.
"As you flip back over chapter one in Captivating and skim the pages did you highlight anything? What strikes you? what did it evoke in your heart?"
What if anything in this chapter are you having a hard time believing?
"I know I am not alone in this nagging sense of failing to measure up, a feeling of not being good enough as a woman. Every woman I've ever met feels it--something deeper than just the sense of failing at what she does. An underlying, gut feeling of failing at who she is. I am not enough, and, I am too much, at the same time.
"Have you ever felt that way? Are you feeling it these days? In what ways?
Do you feel that if you were 'better' life wouldn't be so hard? 'Better' in what ways?"
Lastly, "What would it feel like to know that Jesus, your King, is enthralled by your beauty?"
There you go sweet ladies! Please know that you are dear and precious to Him and that wherever He leads you is exactly where you need to be. If you feel comfortable posting WONDERFUL! If you don't feel comfortable posting that is also WONDERFUL! I'm just so glad you are on this journey with us. I'll be checking back every day to keep the conversation going.
I am really looking forward to hearing from you all.
Be Blessed,
Daughters of the King!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Let's Begin!
First I want to tell each of you joining me here how excited I am to do this and to have you with me in the journey. I am privileged to have this opportunity to get to know each of you better and for all of us to know God in a more intimate way through this study.
Next, I'd like to give you an idea of how I see it working. Captivating has a 'Guided Journal' to use for study so rather than reinvent the wheel I will be using this to facilitate our journey. You ladies can read the chapters in your book then come back to blog when it fits your schedule. I will post new questions from the work book and possibly some of my own every Wednesday and I will be moderating daily so that it can be as conversational as possible.
This study is one of the heart so feel free to delve as deeply as the Father leads you; then share as much or as little as you feel comfortable.
Because this forum is a bit more public than usual (think public coffee house in town square... that's putting it lightly) as opposed to best girlfriend's kitchen table; keep that in mind as you determine how much to share.
That being said, if you feel led to share I know that you will be blessed for taking a risk and that you will bless other women here and some you may never meet. Let God lead you and know that you are safe among your sisters in Christ. If the need arises you can always reach me @ my email address
Lastly, I can think of no better way to take the first steps of our walk together than to let the words of Stasi Eldredge set the tone.
(From the Guided Journal)
"All of us are on a journey whether we know it or not. A journey of becoming. Henri Nouwen writes in The Life of the Beloved that, 'the spiritual life is not simply a way of being but also a way of becoming.' May God use this book in your life to aid you in becoming the woman you truly are. May He draw near to you as you draw near to Him. Ask Him to come. And rest assured that He will for, indeed, He has promised to do so; He delights in coming."
He delights in you and so do I... Let's walk together!! :)
P.S. I will be posting some 'ice breakers' on the way to the official start date just to get us going so check back with us and chime in!
First I want to tell each of you joining me here how excited I am to do this and to have you with me in the journey. I am privileged to have this opportunity to get to know each of you better and for all of us to know God in a more intimate way through this study.
Next, I'd like to give you an idea of how I see it working. Captivating has a 'Guided Journal' to use for study so rather than reinvent the wheel I will be using this to facilitate our journey. You ladies can read the chapters in your book then come back to blog when it fits your schedule. I will post new questions from the work book and possibly some of my own every Wednesday and I will be moderating daily so that it can be as conversational as possible.
This study is one of the heart so feel free to delve as deeply as the Father leads you; then share as much or as little as you feel comfortable.
Because this forum is a bit more public than usual (think public coffee house in town square... that's putting it lightly) as opposed to best girlfriend's kitchen table; keep that in mind as you determine how much to share.
That being said, if you feel led to share I know that you will be blessed for taking a risk and that you will bless other women here and some you may never meet. Let God lead you and know that you are safe among your sisters in Christ. If the need arises you can always reach me @ my email address
Lastly, I can think of no better way to take the first steps of our walk together than to let the words of Stasi Eldredge set the tone.
(From the Guided Journal)
"All of us are on a journey whether we know it or not. A journey of becoming. Henri Nouwen writes in The Life of the Beloved that, 'the spiritual life is not simply a way of being but also a way of becoming.' May God use this book in your life to aid you in becoming the woman you truly are. May He draw near to you as you draw near to Him. Ask Him to come. And rest assured that He will for, indeed, He has promised to do so; He delights in coming."
He delights in you and so do I... Let's walk together!! :)
P.S. I will be posting some 'ice breakers' on the way to the official start date just to get us going so check back with us and chime in!
Ice Breakers :)
OK.. Here is our first installment ladies! Choose as many or as few as you like. This only works if you post so dive in!
1. What's the kindest thing you have ever seen done either by you or someone else?
2. What is your favorite way to waste time at work without getting caught?
3. What is the one thing you would have liked to have been told as a teenager but weren't?
4. If you could have one starring role in a film that has already been made which one would you pick?
5. What's the most outragous thing you've ever done for God?
6. It's said that "everyone has 15 minutes of fame" What happened in your fifteen minutes.
7. What woman in the Bible do you most closely identify with and why?
8. What or who makes you feel most secure and why?
9. If you were a smurf what would your name be?
10. Something interesting about me you might know is.... what?
For more icebreakers go to
1. What's the kindest thing you have ever seen done either by you or someone else?
2. What is your favorite way to waste time at work without getting caught?
3. What is the one thing you would have liked to have been told as a teenager but weren't?
4. If you could have one starring role in a film that has already been made which one would you pick?
5. What's the most outragous thing you've ever done for God?
6. It's said that "everyone has 15 minutes of fame" What happened in your fifteen minutes.
7. What woman in the Bible do you most closely identify with and why?
8. What or who makes you feel most secure and why?
9. If you were a smurf what would your name be?
10. Something interesting about me you might know is.... what?
For more icebreakers go to
Monday, March 16, 2009
Are you listening? Can you hear me? .. Love, Dad
This came from the Father through David Lewis, and his 'Daily Manna'
“I will never forget watching an evening talk show that featured the story of parents and a killer of a young college student. The killer was his best friend. The weapon was high alcohol content inside a speeding automobile. We’ve heard so many stories about drunk drivers and their victims, but what made this story worthy of prime-time viewing was that the parents had not only forgiven the driver, but had taken him into their home as their own. The young man sat at the table in the chair which once was occupied by their only son. He slept in their son’s bed. He worked with the victim’s father, teaching seminars on safety. He spoke about the one he had slain in ways only someone who knew him intimately could have. Why did they do such a thing? They told the interviewer it was because it gave them peace. The interviewer was amazed; I was amazed. I kept trying to put myself in the parent’s position and I could not. Then, as the tears streamed down my cheeks, I heard the Spirit of God whisper to my heart and say: “No wonder you cannot relate. You have put yourself in the wrong position. You, my child, are the driver.” (Living Beyond Yourself, Beth Moore)
God was the parent, who not only forgave, but also invited us to sit at His table in the space our Savior left for us. It is in the acceptance of such a miracle that we find true peace.
He has forgiven us and separated us from our sins as far as the east is from the west. Psalm 103:12
I love you girls!
Thanks Dave for being such a willing vessel!
“I will never forget watching an evening talk show that featured the story of parents and a killer of a young college student. The killer was his best friend. The weapon was high alcohol content inside a speeding automobile. We’ve heard so many stories about drunk drivers and their victims, but what made this story worthy of prime-time viewing was that the parents had not only forgiven the driver, but had taken him into their home as their own. The young man sat at the table in the chair which once was occupied by their only son. He slept in their son’s bed. He worked with the victim’s father, teaching seminars on safety. He spoke about the one he had slain in ways only someone who knew him intimately could have. Why did they do such a thing? They told the interviewer it was because it gave them peace. The interviewer was amazed; I was amazed. I kept trying to put myself in the parent’s position and I could not. Then, as the tears streamed down my cheeks, I heard the Spirit of God whisper to my heart and say: “No wonder you cannot relate. You have put yourself in the wrong position. You, my child, are the driver.” (Living Beyond Yourself, Beth Moore)
God was the parent, who not only forgave, but also invited us to sit at His table in the space our Savior left for us. It is in the acceptance of such a miracle that we find true peace.
He has forgiven us and separated us from our sins as far as the east is from the west. Psalm 103:12
I love you girls!
Thanks Dave for being such a willing vessel!
Friday, January 30, 2009
psst.. Love Dad
Morning ladies
I recieved this video this morning forwarded from an acquaintance. It seems that Dad (Abba) just can't stop telling us how much he loves us. Listen, He's whispering :)
I recieved this video this morning forwarded from an acquaintance. It seems that Dad (Abba) just can't stop telling us how much he loves us. Listen, He's whispering :)
Monday, January 26, 2009
Love, Dad
This was a gift from my heavenly Father and I want to share it with you. I am so glad that He loves me enough to remind me that He knows how I feel and I can always run to Him.
copy and paste this link into your browser and it will take you to a post on YouTube.
copy and paste this link into your browser and it will take you to a post on YouTube.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Feeling Skiddish?
Hi sweet ones!
I was thinking.....since this is a new forum for a bible study and we all might be feeling a bit hesitant to dig into our hearts right off, that I would like to offer you some encouragement.
I was contacted by a sweet lady named Shelly. She had some questions for me about this whole new animal we have here. They were such good questions, that I'm thinking she is probably not the only one wanting the answers. :) Mom always told me "If you have a question, just ask.. someone else is probably wondering the same thing and you could be helping them too!" Always one to lend a hand ;o) I will post the questions and my answers here. I hope it puts your heart at ease (if you need it that is!)
Thanks Shelly for permitting me to share!
Love you ladies!
Shelly: "I am so excited to see an online study...Ive done a few studies and they fizzle out on the end and no one i thought wouldn't it be great if there was one on line? i don't understand the whole blog mentioned it being more public? how come some people have a picture and some don't?? who will see it? sometimes bible studies can get personal......does the q/a just stay with who joined the blog? or group?"
Me: "The blog is a bit like an email that can be read by anyone who finds the website. I will post questions and comments and you guys will post your answers and your own comments. The questions and your answers will be accessible, honestly, by anyone who finds the site. That leads to the reason some folks have pictures and some don't. One of the ways you can keep some anonymity and thereby some privacy is to not post a picture of yourself or by choosing not to make your whole name public. Also, if the Lord leads you to a place where there are things or feelings that you would really rather discuss privately you can always reach me by email and I would be happy to pray with you and walk with you through it. I would also encourage you to get connected(if you haven't already) with a life group at Cross Timbers or at your own local church so that you will have additional support.
Thank you again for these great questions which I hope I have answered for you. If not, let me know!"
Shelly: "I am feeling brave to do the is a little different doing it on line with people you have never met...although, i thought maybe we could meet at the end.. that might be kinda fun.
I am just having a hard time with the blog. I'm just not sure i would jump in as much or at all.i don't know why...??
my studies in the past have been at someones home, or around a table with women and it gets pretty intimate knowing these ladies and sometimes they open up about what they are going through .. just not sure about availability of the site. am i allowed to follow the study and not really blog ? i know that its not for that purpose for people not to comment, or maybe those are more comfortable can email back and forth questions? or is that just too hard to keep up with???
Me: You are absolutely allowed to follow along without posting! You do what you feel comfortable with. Come join us and feel free to "kick the tires" if you will, check us out... see how you feel about it. If you like it you can jump in. in whatever way you like. I do hope if you stay that you will 'follow' the blog so we can know you have decided to stay ! :) If it's not for you don't worry at all about it. You can try some of the other studies that are available. Today is actually the kick off day for G.R.O.W. so there are some other options for you if you find online is just not a good fit for you. Either way it has been wonderful chatting with you and if you need anything or if I can be of any help to you please let me know! If you are ever here on the Argyle campus during the week come say hello! My desk is in the Argyle West lobby. :) Be blessed today, daughter of the King :)"
Like I said .. those were GREAT questions huh?? Mom's always right! :)Thanks again Shelly for allowing others to be blessed by you!
I hope that you are encouraged by these and that if you have any other concerns that you will let me know. I am here to help and I love every minute of it!
I was thinking.....since this is a new forum for a bible study and we all might be feeling a bit hesitant to dig into our hearts right off, that I would like to offer you some encouragement.
I was contacted by a sweet lady named Shelly. She had some questions for me about this whole new animal we have here. They were such good questions, that I'm thinking she is probably not the only one wanting the answers. :) Mom always told me "If you have a question, just ask.. someone else is probably wondering the same thing and you could be helping them too!" Always one to lend a hand ;o) I will post the questions and my answers here. I hope it puts your heart at ease (if you need it that is!)
Thanks Shelly for permitting me to share!
Love you ladies!
Shelly: "I am so excited to see an online study...Ive done a few studies and they fizzle out on the end and no one i thought wouldn't it be great if there was one on line? i don't understand the whole blog mentioned it being more public? how come some people have a picture and some don't?? who will see it? sometimes bible studies can get personal......does the q/a just stay with who joined the blog? or group?"
Me: "The blog is a bit like an email that can be read by anyone who finds the website. I will post questions and comments and you guys will post your answers and your own comments. The questions and your answers will be accessible, honestly, by anyone who finds the site. That leads to the reason some folks have pictures and some don't. One of the ways you can keep some anonymity and thereby some privacy is to not post a picture of yourself or by choosing not to make your whole name public. Also, if the Lord leads you to a place where there are things or feelings that you would really rather discuss privately you can always reach me by email and I would be happy to pray with you and walk with you through it. I would also encourage you to get connected(if you haven't already) with a life group at Cross Timbers or at your own local church so that you will have additional support.
Thank you again for these great questions which I hope I have answered for you. If not, let me know!"
Shelly: "I am feeling brave to do the is a little different doing it on line with people you have never met...although, i thought maybe we could meet at the end.. that might be kinda fun.
I am just having a hard time with the blog. I'm just not sure i would jump in as much or at all.i don't know why...??
my studies in the past have been at someones home, or around a table with women and it gets pretty intimate knowing these ladies and sometimes they open up about what they are going through .. just not sure about availability of the site. am i allowed to follow the study and not really blog ? i know that its not for that purpose for people not to comment, or maybe those are more comfortable can email back and forth questions? or is that just too hard to keep up with???
Me: You are absolutely allowed to follow along without posting! You do what you feel comfortable with. Come join us and feel free to "kick the tires" if you will, check us out... see how you feel about it. If you like it you can jump in. in whatever way you like. I do hope if you stay that you will 'follow' the blog so we can know you have decided to stay ! :) If it's not for you don't worry at all about it. You can try some of the other studies that are available. Today is actually the kick off day for G.R.O.W. so there are some other options for you if you find online is just not a good fit for you. Either way it has been wonderful chatting with you and if you need anything or if I can be of any help to you please let me know! If you are ever here on the Argyle campus during the week come say hello! My desk is in the Argyle West lobby. :) Be blessed today, daughter of the King :)"
Like I said .. those were GREAT questions huh?? Mom's always right! :)Thanks again Shelly for allowing others to be blessed by you!
I hope that you are encouraged by these and that if you have any other concerns that you will let me know. I am here to help and I love every minute of it!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Updated Schedule
Hey everyone! Two more days until we begin! Hope you are as excited as I am about our journey together! You'll want to make sure that you take note of the new schedule. The Grow season is 12 weeks long so I've changed the schedule to reflect that. We will be able to focus fully on one chapter a week. I am VERY excited about that! Never hurts to make things simpler anywhere you can.
Looking forward with great expectation!
In Him,
Looking forward with great expectation!
In Him,
Thursday, January 8, 2009
My Testimony
Hey laides,
to set the stage as our begin date approaches I have posted my testimony on the bottom of our page. This is just a thumbnail of God's story and glory in my little life (God bless Craig Burke and his amazing skills!!). It gives you an idea of why this study is so special to me and why I am looking so forward to being a part of each of your journey toward a deeper understanding of the Father's heart for you, his princess!
In Him,
to set the stage as our begin date approaches I have posted my testimony on the bottom of our page. This is just a thumbnail of God's story and glory in my little life (God bless Craig Burke and his amazing skills!!). It gives you an idea of why this study is so special to me and why I am looking so forward to being a part of each of your journey toward a deeper understanding of the Father's heart for you, his princess!
In Him,
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