Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ch. 7 Romanced

Good Morning Sweet ladies!
I am so thankful to be here with you today. God has brought us all together through time and space and however you landed here I believe that you were brought here by your King, because He wants you to know how very much He loves you. How he desires and wants to romance you and wants you to know in every cell of your being that you are precious, priceless and His princess.
Let's begin with a prayer from our writer Staci. Let's invite Him to the discussion and further into our hearts with her words: "Dear Jesus, I love you. I need you. I come before you now as yours, asking for your help, your grace. My life is yours. Would you speak to me about your love and how you see me? I need your help, your revelation. I am your Bride. You are my Bridegroom. Help me to more fully understand and embrace that, Jesus, I give you access to all of my heart. I invite you into every part. Come, Holy Spirit, have your way that I might love you, God, more deeply and truly with all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen."

I'll be using the questions from our workbook "Now go back over the chapter, skimming the pages. What does it evoke in your heart? What is your response to this chapter?"

"What did you like. . . and what are you struggling with in this chapter?"
"We opened this chapter in the book with me sharing the story of a walk on a starlit night, one of my first experiences of God's intimate love.

This wild God of mine, who knows my every thought and intention, who sees my every failure and sin, loves me. Not in a religious way, not in the way we usually translate when we hear, 'God loves us.' Which usually sounds like 'because he has to' or meaning 'he tolerates you.' No. He loves me as a Lover loves. Whoa. Is this a new thought to you? A new category to think in? What do you think of it? What is your heart's response?"
"Romance does not need to wait for a man. God longs to bring this into your life Himself. God wants you to move past the childlike 'Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.' He wants to heal us through His love to become mature women who actually know him. He wants us to experience verses like , 'Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her' (Hos. 2:14 NKJV) And 'You have stolen my heart, my sister, my bride' (Song 4:9 NKJV) Our hearts are desperate for this.
Dream a little. What would it be like to experience for yourself that the truest thing about God's heart toward yours is not disappointment or disapproval but deep, fiery, passionate love?"
"What would that alter in the way you see yourself. . . and God?"
"In this chapter I said, 'The root of all holiness is Romance.' My hunch is that many of you have never heard that before. So let me explain. Jesus said 'If you love Me, keep My commandments' (John 14:15NKJV). By this he didn't mean, "Prove it. Prove you love me by obeying the Law.' No, what he was describing was the beauty of a heart in love with him. 'The natural result of your heart in love with me will be to keep my commands. You'll want to. Any other life will seem dull and hollow and unappealing.' When you love someone, you want to please them. you want to do the things they want to do. The same holds true in your walk with God. Does that begin to make sense to you-that romance with God is the root of all holiness?"
"If you'll open your heart to the possibility; you'll find that God has been wooing you ever since you were a little girl. Yes, we said earlier that the story of your life is the story of a long and sustained assault upon your heart by the one who knows what you could be and fears you. But that is only part of the story. Every story has a villain. Every story also has a hero. The Great Love Story of the Scriptures are telling us about also reveals a Lover who longs for you. The story of your life is also the story of the long and passionate pursuit of your heart by the One who knows you best and loves you most." "God has written the Romance not only on our hearts but all over the world around us . What we need is for him to open our eyes, to open our ears that we might recognize his voice calling to us, see his hand wooing us in the beauty that quickens our hearts. Pray. Ask him to."
"What were the things that romanced you as a girl?" "Those were all whispers from your Lover, notes sent to awaken your heart's longings. And as we journey into a true intimacy with God as women , he often brings those things back into our lives, to remind us he was there, to heal and restore things that were lost or stolen. What would you like God to restore to you?"
"Ask Jesus for the eyes to see how he is romancing your heart today. What are the things that take your breath away? The things that make you cry or fill your heart with longing?"
"This is not to say that our lives are lived as one big romantic moment with Jesus. It is saying, however, that the Romance is the deepest thing, the foundation of our relationship with Him. All relationships ebb and flow, Yes? How would you describe your relationship with God over the past several months? The ebbing in our experience of God is to draw out our hearts in deeper longing. In the times of emptiness, an open heart notices. When you are aware of a distance, an ebbing in your heart with God, what do you feel? Often God allows these feelings to surface to help us go back to times when we have felt like this before. Notice also what do you want to do and how do you handle your heart. Are you shutting down in anger? Turning to food? To others? How do you usually handle your heart when it is aching? What is crucial is that next time, we handle our hearts differently. We ask our Lover to come for us, and we keep our hearts open to his coming. We choose not to shut down.. We let the tears come. We allow the ache to swell into a longing prayer for our God. And he comes, dear hearts. He does come. The times of intimacy-the flowing waters of love-those times then bring healing to places in our hearts which still need his touch."
"Where are places you would like him to come? To heal? To love? Are you beginning to grasp more deeply what it is that God wants from you? What is he after?"
"He longs for you. Let that be true for a moment. Let it be true of you. Sit with that truth. Ponder it. What is your heart's response?"
"Now for one of the most beautiful mysteries of the feminine heart; women minister something to the heart of God that men do not. A tenderness, a mercy, an intimacy. There is only one time that Jesus says that what a person did to him, did for him, was beautiful. What was it?" "Women hold a special place in the heart of God. A woman's worship brings Jesus immense pleasure and a deep ministry. You can minister to the heart of God. You impact Him. You matter. How does that make you feel?"
"God is waiting. He longs for you. Offer your heart to him. Intimacy with Jesus takes cultivating. Relationships grow over time. To become intentional about cultivating a heart of worship, a heart of devoted adoration is a beautiful thing. Do you want this? If so, what will you have to let go of in order to make room for private worship in your life? If no, what are you afraid of?"
"To be spiritual is to be in a Romance with God. What is your heart's response now to that truth? Sigh. Breathe. Christianity is even better than you thought. Jesus is better than you thought! And as we grow in knowing him, he just continues to get more so. Come. Sit at his feet."
"One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple Psalm 27:4 NKJV

Well we did it my sweet sisters. We got through that chapter. That life and love changing chapter together! Thank you Lord! Lord, sweet Husband, I ask you blessing over these women as they begin to understand your heart for them, your PASSION for them. I pray that you will reveal yourself ever more intimately to them today and in the coming days. Show them the ways that you woo them. Blow their socks off as only you can! Thank you Lord, for each and every one of these souls and what they will accomplish with you for your Kingdom. Thank you for sharing them with me and most of all THANK YOU FOR LOVING ME MORE THAN I CAN FATHOM! AMEN!

One last thing ladies, It would mean the world to me if you would read my response to this chapter. Much love and prayers! KP


  1. I have to begin this discussion with a confession. This chapter has been VERY difficult for me. As a matter of fact it's actually been a stumbling block. If you are one of the women that has been around since the first study of this book you are well aware that this is where it stopped. ACTUALLY STOPPED. Now, I am not a quitter and I don't leave things incomplete. Usually. I never expected this of all places to be a place where that would suddenly happen. I love this study, this blog, and even though I've never met most of you face-to-face; I love each of you. So, to have this be the place where I got stuck was a pain in the heart. Literally.
    Two things hit me like a ton of bricks when we got to this chapter the first time: First, my mom died. (the mom of my heart, my step-mom Lisa) very quickly and very young of breast cancer. Second, my heart has always struggled with the idea that God could love me this way. I had no problem believing He loved others this way. Just not me. So when she died just as we began this chapter I vividly remember thinking (and telling God) "yeah whatever, romance. How could you possibly love me like that? You gave me parents who were abusive and neglectful, constant broken heartedness and then took the one person in the world who ever loved me unconditionally" (Lisa) "You may love other people like that but not me." Needless to say I was FURIOUS. And I let Him know about it. I closed off part of my heart. I TOLD Him I was NOT going to give Him that part of my heart b/c I just couldn't trust Him with it after all the hurt I had suffered seemingly at his hands; or if not at His then at the very least with His permission. Man do I have a stubborn streak. (stop laughing) ;) So, I went to my mom's funeral in Colorado, I braved it (well I think) I went back to work and I went back to praying.. for others. I stopped going to church(worship). I stopped praying for myself or for anything from the God who seemingly stole the first and what felt like the only person who loved me. No one loves you like a mom. I just never knew that until I knew Lisa. The love who looks at your messy room and messy hair and sees beauty and joy just because you are standing there. The person who gave me courage and taught me to be brave and to fight like mad for the people you love and never, ever, EVER give up on what matters to you. The person who taught me to think for myself and make decisions based on what I could live with even when it meant making decisions that she didn't agree with. Our relationship was complicated to say the least, but for me she was my safe place, my agape love (even when she failed at it I found the courage to love her and learned from her even then) All of that to say that when she was gone I wasn't sure how to love anymore or if God could possibly love me and still take her from me. Add to that, I am 35 and an unmarried, single mom, who had asked for a husband and more kids, I got the more kids in my sweet 'foster' kiddos who I adore, but no husband. I just knew it was further proof that I was not loved like other women are loved by God. (selfish much?) So, the thought of blogging on a chapter about how God wants to romance me just brought out the 2 year old tantrum and I refused.
    But, even when we act like babies God never stops persuing, loving and calling to us. Boy did He ever! Brace yourself b/c here comes my "before and after moment"
    I had to go to a ladies conference for CT (work) to promote this online study and to encourage other women to join us. The conference was learning about how to hear from God, and aptly named "Simplicity" with Carman Mann as the speaker. (God never misses the details!) I only had to go and sit at a table at the beginning and end of the conference to do my job and then I could leave. I had no intention of going to the conference. (stomp/pout) Then I got the phone call informing me that a ticket

  2. had been purchased for me to attend. yay(note the sarcasam) Now, I was thankful for the thought behind it .. just.. well, dreading the actual act of accepting it. Then even the day of the conference I sat at my table contemplating whether anyone would notice if I just stayed there through the conference part. (note the afore mentioned stubborn streak. NOW you can laugh. ;)) Just at that moment a friend grabbed my arm and said c'mon you're sitting with me I already got your folder! Again ... yay. (there's my old pal sarcasm again) So, I sulked in and sat down. When I did my friend turned to me and said "He is enough." I said.. "uh.. ok great." She replied "I don't know, I just felt like I was supposed to say that." Hmm.. well, that turned out to be the theme for the day.
    Carmen (who is AMAZING btw) taught us biblical tools to learn to hear from God and to know the difference between Him and counterfeit, among other life changing tools. Then, she said we were going to practice! Now, I had been crying since the first note of the first song b/c He always speaks to me through music whether I want to hear or not. So, again. Yay. (you get the picture) She asked for a volunteer to stand and everyone looked at me as I realized I was standing. She then instructed everyone that the women seated at the table would practice all the techniques and share with the standing person whatever God showed or told each of them for her. (in my head HOLY CRAP.... AND YAY!!!!!!! I think. no more sarcasam. :)
    Three women heard "He is enough" and I was told some things that I've been told before from Him myself. Then one woman heard and saw things that made no sense to me whatsoever. They wrote it all down for me and the conference continued. We had some more worship music and Carmen made her way around the room. All the while I heard my Father, King of Kings, speaking to me. I LOVE YOU MY SWEET GIRL. I didn't take Lisa from you I SHARED her WITH you! She could never have loved you if not for ME. I LOVED YOU FIRST! I LOVE YOU UNCONDITIONALLY AND THAT WILL NEVER CHANGE OR DIE. Your heart is aching because you have put her in MY place. Remove her from the throne of your heart and let me love you the way I want to love you, the way you NEED to be loved. I have never failed you. Love ME first. Love ME the way you Love Lisa. Pick me FIRST. Let me love you.
    I was amazed. Stunned even. I left that room forever changed. I left that room a Princess. :) That was only the begining and I can say without reservation that the adventure and romance has continued every day. My life has gotten more difficult as a result but the answers have gotten much simpler. Turn to Him. Love Him FIRST. Give it to HIM. So, on and on the spiritual battle rages inside me and all around me but now, NOW... I know who wins. I know that as His daughter, his wife, his love, he will do battle beside me and together we will win. Forever. I am and forever will be LOVED, PRECIOUS and a CROWN PRINCESS of the Kindom. The adventure is amazing and my prayer for you is that you will allow the words and spirit of this chapter to sink into your heart the way I refused to; and leave this place the PRINCESS that you are created to be.

  3. :D i don't have my book so this is just in response to you. sooooo proud! so excited! i love it. i love that i know you and get to see you walk your journey and even partner with you along the way. what a blessing! love you!!!

  4. what a great chapter! i truly did enjoy this one. it was enlightening and encouraging. when i was reading through it hosea 2:14 jumped off the page and sang to me. a melody my heart knew and my head just couldn't recognize. i feel like i am in that dessert and God is so kind and faithful to allure me. he is showing me to love him, not the man who speaks His truth to me. he is showing me that He is pursuing me above all else. His love is showering me and i pray my countenance shifts to that of someone who is loved.

    it does seem weird to me to think of God romancing me like a lover...a little awkward. i think part of that is just that i equate romancing with eventual sex. haha maybe that is far off but that seems even more awkward. but just the other day that song that says "according to you...useless, stupid...according to him I’m beautiful,
    he can’t get me out of his head.
    According to him
    I’m funny,
    everything he ever wanted.
    Everything is opposite,"
    i sat there and just couldn't help but laugh as i felt like God was like that is what i think of you. satan will try to tell you the opposite, but you are all of those things. seriously? God is using a secular song to speak to my heart. and then i took comfort in the fact that he speaks to us in languages we can hear and understand.

    i think part of my fear in it all is that if i truly allow myself to be completely his, that i won't need anyone and i would just go through life alone. and i so desperately don't want that.

    i feel like my relationship with abba is definitely in the ebb. i can't get enough. days that i am completely broken are the best days after sitting with him for just a while. last week i had a day where it was great, productive. as i left to go to a bible study, i had this overwhelming sense of lonliness. maybe in part cause i am the young single girl in the group and i get tired of hearing about everyone's families and kids and such and such but i don't know. i got home and just sat with abba for a while and was given such peace. i like those times amid the tears and sadness, knowing that he is always faithful to encourage and love on me.

    mmmmmmm if my heart could purr. he is good. he is kind. i wish i remembered that all the time. i wish i remembered that when i am lonely. or making whatever situation about me. about my time. about my plans. he is good. and i am ever grateful for that!

  5. Kandice, you continue teaching me in so many ways. Thank you, thank you. Your story is so pure and precious. My favorite line: "The love who looks at your messy room and messy hair and sees beauty and joy just because you are standing there." I love that, Kandice, because it is so hard for me to believe God always sees me this way. I want to show Him only my best, my perfectness, not the mess. I will think about that line, and your story all day, to remind me of the truth-- I am wholly loved no matter what!!!
