Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Let's Begin!

First I want to tell each of you joining me here how excited I am to do this and to have you with me in the journey. I am privileged to have this opportunity to get to know each of you better and for all of us to know God in a more intimate way through this study.

Next, I'd like to give you an idea of how I see it working. Captivating has a 'Guided Journal' to use for study so rather than reinvent the wheel I will be using this to facilitate our journey. You ladies can read the chapters in your book then come back to blog when it fits your schedule. I will post new questions from the work book and possibly some of my own every Wednesday and I will be moderating daily so that it can be as conversational as possible.
This study is one of the heart so feel free to delve as deeply as the Father leads you; then share as much or as little as you feel comfortable.
Because this forum is a bit more public than usual (think public coffee house in town square... that's putting it lightly) as opposed to best girlfriend's kitchen table; keep that in mind as you determine how much to share.

That being said, if you feel led to share I know that you will be blessed for taking a risk and that you will bless other women here and some you may never meet. Let God lead you and know that you are safe among your sisters in Christ. If the need arises you can always reach me @ my email address
Lastly, I can think of no better way to take the first steps of our walk together than to let the words of Stasi Eldredge set the tone.

(From the Guided Journal)

"All of us are on a journey whether we know it or not. A journey of becoming. Henri Nouwen writes in The Life of the Beloved that, 'the spiritual life is not simply a way of being but also a way of becoming.' May God use this book in your life to aid you in becoming the woman you truly are. May He draw near to you as you draw near to Him. Ask Him to come. And rest assured that He will for, indeed, He has promised to do so; He delights in coming."
He delights in you and so do I... Let's walk together!! :)

P.S. I will be posting some 'ice breakers' on the way to the official start date just to get us going so check back with us and chime in!


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