Monday, March 16, 2009

Are you listening? Can you hear me? .. Love, Dad

This came from the Father through David Lewis, and his 'Daily Manna'

“I will never forget watching an evening talk show that featured the story of parents and a killer of a young college student. The killer was his best friend. The weapon was high alcohol content inside a speeding automobile. We’ve heard so many stories about drunk drivers and their victims, but what made this story worthy of prime-time viewing was that the parents had not only forgiven the driver, but had taken him into their home as their own. The young man sat at the table in the chair which once was occupied by their only son. He slept in their son’s bed. He worked with the victim’s father, teaching seminars on safety. He spoke about the one he had slain in ways only someone who knew him intimately could have. Why did they do such a thing? They told the interviewer it was because it gave them peace. The interviewer was amazed; I was amazed. I kept trying to put myself in the parent’s position and I could not. Then, as the tears streamed down my cheeks, I heard the Spirit of God whisper to my heart and say: “No wonder you cannot relate. You have put yourself in the wrong position. You, my child, are the driver.” (Living Beyond Yourself, Beth Moore)
God was the parent, who not only forgave, but also invited us to sit at His table in the space our Savior left for us. It is in the acceptance of such a miracle that we find true peace.
He has forgiven us and separated us from our sins as far as the east is from the west. Psalm 103:12
I love you girls!

Thanks Dave for being such a willing vessel!


  1. Amazing. What better analogy for grace. Hard to give. Harder to receive.

    Love it, sweet friend.

  2. I am utterly speechless. I have never looked at it that way. Thank you for posting it for us all to see.

  3. :) Reframing ourselves through the Love of the Father is breathtaking!
