Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Ch. 6 "Healing the Wound"

"Down those old ancient streets,
Down those old ancient roads,
Baby there together we must go
Till we get the healing done."
Van Morrison (quoted from the

Welcome Sweet Friends,
Stasi opened chapter six with this quote and I can't think of a better way to open our study of the chapter. I sat and listened to the great Van Morrison sing this song to me and envisioned being serenaded by my Father and heavenly husband. Even when you know you are headed down a hard road.. knowing you are going there with someone who loves you and will walk with you somehow makes the journey almost inviting. So, I'm inviting you to walk with me and our Father through this chapter.
Let's begin by inviting him into our heart to heal: Dear Father, thank you for loving us enough to come for us, to encourage us, to heal us. You know each of us intimately. You know our wounds and you know our desperate places. I invite you to the darkest corners of my heart and soul. I invite you to the secret gardens that I had locked away because of the pain. I ask you to reveal to me what I need to know, open the doors that you need me to open, touch my soul with your healing love so that I may love you more than I ever knew I could. I ask your blessing over each of these precious women and I ask you to tell them each exactly how you feel about them. Surround them with your precious spirit and bless their time here together. Amen.

"Now, go back over the chapter, skimming the pages. What strikes you? What does it evoke in your heart?" "What does reading this chapter make you want to do?"

"Were you able to journey through this chapter and pray, asking for God's healing?"

"What in your heart do you really want him to heal, touch, and restore?" "After reading this chapter on Healing, what are you struggling with?"

"What have you been taught is the primary reason that Jesus came to earth? Jesus proclaims his mission when he takes the scroll of I Isaiah and begins his public ministry. What passage did he choose to explain himself but Isaiah 61?" "This scripture must be important to him. It must be central. What does it mean? It's supposed to be really good news; that's clear. It has something to do with healing hearts, setting someone free. Let me try and state it in words more familiar to us. (It's helpful to read this aloud as well.)"
"God has sent me on a mission. I have some great news for you. God has sent me to restore and release something. And that something is you. I am here to give you back your heart and set you free. I am furious at the Enemy who did this to you, and I will fight against him. Let me comfort you. For, dear one, I will bestow beauty upon you where you have known only devastation. Joy in the places of your deep sorrow. And I will robe your heart in thankful praise in exchange for your resignation and despair."

"What if it were true? What if Jesus could and would do this for your broken heart, your wounded feminine soul? Read it again and ask him, Jesus would you do this for me?"
He can and he will. If you'll let him. . ."

"Why did God curse Eve with loneliness and heartache, an emptiness that nothing would be able to fill? Wasn't her life going to be hard enough out there in the world, banished from the Garden that was her true home, her only home, never able to return? It seems unkind. Cruel, even.
He did it to save her. For as we all know personally, something in Eve's heart shifted at the Fall. Something sent it's roots down deep into her soul-and ours-that mistrust of God's heart, that resolution to find life on our own terms. So God has to thwart her. In love, he has to block her attempts until, wounded and aching; she turns to hm and him alone for her rescue.

<strong>Therefore I will block her path with thorn bushes; I will wall her in so she cannot find her way. She will chase after her lovers but not catch them; she will look for them but not find them Hosea 2:6-7 NKJV

"Okay what hasn't been going well in your life for sometime? Has it occurred to you that God might be "blocking your path with thorn bushes" (Hos. 2:6)? How is he thwarting you?

"To enter the journey towards the healing of your feminine heart, all it requires is a "Yes. Okay." --Or in Toby's words: YES LORD!--"A simple turning of the heart." " Are you ready and willing to say this to Jesus? Perhaps in a deeper way than ever before? If you are then go ahead and say it. Be specific what do you need to lay down? Repent of? Let go?"
"Jesus, I'm sorry. Forgive me. Please come for me. I renounce the ways I've tried to save myself. They have failed. Only you can save me. Please come for me. I give this all to you."

"What is God "knocking" through these days" Think of the way your life is not working out-or the lives of women you look at and long for. How is God stirring your heart? Give him permission to enter. Give him access to your broken heart. Ask him to come to those places." "Sit quietly a while. Rest. Wait. Journal your thoughts, feelings, desires."

"Part of the reason women are so tired is because we are spending so much energy trying to 'keep it together.' So much energy devoted to suppressing the pain and keeping a good appearance. We want to give you permission to fall apart. To be a mess. Does that thought frighten you? Why? We need to let our tears come. Give yourself permission to feel, to sorrow. Make the time. Get alone, . . . and let yourself feel again. Let it all out."

"Okay-now for a hard step (as if the others have been easy). A real step of courage and will. We must forgive those who hurt us. Again. Until you forgive you remain their prisoner. Paul warns us that unforgiveness and bitterness can wreck our lives and the lives of others.. (Eph. 4:31; Heb. 12:15). We have to let it all go. Now -listen carefully. Forgiveness is a choice. It is not a feeling-don't try and feel forgiving. IT is an act of the will.

"Ask Him to Destroy your Enemies. What enemies of your soul would you like Jesus to destroy? Self contempt? An addiction? A spirit overwhelmed? Read Psalm 21:8-13. Ask him to destroy your enemies, the ones you recognize and the one yet to be revealed."

"Let Him Father You. There is a part of our hearts that was made for Daddy; made for his strong and tender love. That part is still there., and longing. Open it to Jesus, and to your Father God. Ask him to come and love you there. Meet you there. We've all tried so hard to find the fulfillment of this love in other people, and it never, ever works. Let us give this treasure back to the One who can love us best."

"Ask Him to Answer Your Question. Take your questions to Jesus. Ask him to show you your beauty."

"Dear Jesus, I am almost afraid to ask, but I so need the answer. I need the questions of my deepest heart answered. And answered truthfully. Answered by you. Lord, how do you see me? As a woman,. Am I captivating to you? Am I lovely? Would you please show me my beauty? Show me what you think of me. I want to hear from you. Open the eyes of my heart that I may recognize and receive your answers as you bring them to me. I need to know know God. I will wait and listen. For I love you, and my heart is yours. All this I pray, in the name of Jesus, Amen."

I am SO PROUD of you ladies for continuing. I thank you for you patience and I pray for your hearts and healing. I'm looking forward to reading your posts!


  1. This is a powerful prayer! This chapter brought tears. I wept before God because I want Him in every corner of my heart and in every moment of my living. I pray for God's healing. I struggled before to keep it all in, to appear STRONG before the man who tried to tear me down.
    I would not be a weakling. I would not be vulnerable. I want him to restore my beautiful and fierce womanhood! I want him to heal my heart and free me from the bondage of my addictions and short-comings. I know His word tells me that He is made strong through my weakness. He is proving this!

    I was taught like many that Jesus reason on earth was to save us from hell. When I read Isaiah 61 I was floored!!! I have read this SO MANY TIMES and never knew that Jesus spoke this to his listeners - to ME! This restoration is for the relationship between us and God - that He is/has made the way.

    "Okay what hasn't been going well in your life for sometime? Has it occurred to you that God might be "blocking your path with thorn bushes" (Hos. 2:6)? How is he thwarting you? Talk about a 2 by 4 to the head! My love life has ALWAYS suffered! No wonder! I knew I was putting all of my eggs in the wrong basket. Even Adam dismissed Eve in the garden when confronted, but Jesus covers us and says She is mine! OH MY SOUL!
    He has stirred my heart - He has invited me to the dance floor! I can hardly contain my excitement!!!

  2. AMEN!!!! JENNY I am so blessed by that news! I'm intrested to hear what you learn from God about yourself and your question as time goes by. I have been given a few precious songs when I ask. I'm still listening :) It is SO EXCITING to watch your heart open up and your spirit bloom before Him. Thank you so very much for allowing us to share in your journey with Him, sweet precious friend! What is the verse that Adam dismissed Eve? I'd like to read that again. :))

  3. hahah this is a good chapter. in reading i realized that i don't think i have ever had a good cry over the fact that my dad never pursued me as his princess. i was never the pride and joy. and i know he loves me and cherishes me now, but i didn't then. that along with my mom being absent, it left me unconfident and insecure. after having a good cry, my daddy called me the very next morning to say he was thinking of me, that he loved me and he hoped i had a great day. abba was so kind to give me that!

    the "mission statement" of Jesus has been an exciting verse to me for a while. mmmmm that is some awesomeness happening. some good things he is doing and it is so cool to watch it unfold. to watch the healing take place in my heart. to see the influence and opportunity to encourage those around me.

    i love the understanding of there "being now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus". mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm that is good! real good! freedom. freedom to walk and learn and mess up and still be loved. freedom to not have to try so hard. freedom to not have to keep it all together. freedom from the world's standards.

    i am so thankful that i hear him when he speaks to me. when he whispers tenderly that i am his. that he delights in me. that he rejoices over me with song. haha what an amazing abba father we have!

  4. Kim,
    It is SO EXCITITNG to watch you growing closer and closer to our Father! Thank you so much for being so honest and transparent. What a blessing it is to me and to those who are with us but silent.
    Love you girl!
