Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ch. 5 "A Special Hatred"

I never imagined I'd be in such a different place after working through this chapter. I'm overjoyed to say that indeed I am closer to my Father today thanks to finishing this one. My prayer is that you too will be touched by God in the deepest places of your heart and soul when we are finished here. Let's begin with a prayer.
Sweet Father,
What an AMAZING LOVE you pour out to us every minute of the day! I am amazed yet again at your tender spirit for me. I know even more today that you have counted every tear and that not a single one has ever been wasted or forgotten. THANK YOU Lord for your gentle hand in leading me through this difficult chapter. Lord, I have a special prayer today for every sweet soul you have brought together here. Each woman here has been injured deeply by the special hatred the enemy has for her. You know so well the pain that has been suffered and the lies that have been not just believed but silently agreed to. Father, I pray that these precious women will see the enemy's lies for what they are. That each woman will hear your voice reminding her that those gifts you've given her are for your Glory and not to hurt her. Lord, reveal to each one the FIERCE beauty, strength, love and power that YOU have blessed them with. Gird them up for battle. Take their hands and lead them into the great adventure you have for them all the while whispering how completely known and loved they are by you.
Thank you Father,
Once again we'll be taking questions from the work book
"This chapter asks us to reexamine our thoughts about the often brutal, nearly universal assault on femininity. Where does this come from? Do not make the mistake of believing that 'men are the enemy'. Certainly men have had a hand in this and will have a day of reckoning before their Maker. But you will not understand this story--or your story --until you begin to see the actual Forces behind this assault and get a grip on their motives. Is it a new thought to you that all that has come against you in your life has not been from the hand of God? That Satan has played a role in trying to destroy you, your heart?"

"Think of the story of your life. How has further assault come to you? Was it obvious like betrayal? Or more subtle, like years of neglect? Describe what you remember. What messages were driven home into your heart? Have you felt that the wounds and further assault you received came to you because something was fundamentally wrong with you? Have you felt that you are essentially alone? If you do, do you believe it is because you are not the woman you should be? Did you know that most women feel alone?"
"What do you make of the degradation, abuse, and the open assault that women around the world have endured? Are enduring even now? Where does this hatred for women you see all over the world come from? Why is it so diabolical? The assault on femininity it's long history, its utter viciousness--cannot be understood apart from the spiritual forces of evil we are warned against in the Scriptures."
"Turn your attention again to the events that took place in the Garden of Eden. Notice-who does the Evil One go after? Have you ever wondered why Satan seems to make Eve the focus of his assault on humanity? Satan was first named Lucifer, or Son of the Morning. It infers a glory, a brightness, a radiance unique to him. Look up Ezek. 28:12-15. How does it describe Lucifer?"
"Satan fell because of his beauty. Now his heart for revenge is to assault beauty. But what of Eve? She is the incarnation of the Beauty of God. More than anything else in all creation, she embodies the glory of God. She allures the world to God. Satan hates it with a jealousy we can only imagine. And there is more. The Evil One also hates Eve because she gives life. . . Put those two things together - Eve incarnates the Beauty of God, and she gives life to the world. Satan's bitter heart cannot bear it. He assaults her with a special hatred. History removes any doubt about this"

"Satan's hatred of Eve and her daughters helps to explain an awful lot about your life's story. The message of our wounds nearly always is. 'This is because of you. This is what you deserve.' It changes things to realize that no, these things happened because you are glorious, because you are a major thereat to the kingdom of darkness. Because you uniquely carry the glory of God to the world. You are hated because of your beauty and power. Do you believe it's possible?"

"Let your imagination go there a little while. What would it feel like if it were true that you are beautiful, that you are powerful for the kingdom of God-and that is why you have endured the assault (and neglect) you have?"
"Have you ever felt the men in your life get close only to withdraw, pull back? What happened? Who did you blame it on?"
"Back off, or leave her alone, or You don't really want to go there--she'll be too much for you is something Satan has set against every woman from the day of her birth. It's the emotional and spiritual equivalent of leaving a little girl by the side of the road to die. And to every woman he has whispered, You are alone, or When they see who you really are, you will be alone, or No one will ever truly come for you. Take a moment. Quiet your heart and ask yourself, 'Is this a message I have believed, fear, lived with? It is time to reveal this pervasive threat as the tool of the Enemy that it is." "The Evil One had a hand in all that has happened to you. he made sure he drove the message of the wounds home into your heart. He is the one who has dogged your heels with shame and self-doubt and accusation. He is the one who offers the false comforters to you in order to deepen your bondage. He is the one who has done these things in order to prevent your restoration. For that is what he fears. he fears who you re, what you are-what you might become. He fears your beauty and your life-giving heart. What if it were true? How does that make you feel?"
"Now listen to the voice of your King. Read Isaiah 62:1-5. If you can, read it in more than one translation. Who is Jerusalem? What are you no longer called? What are you called? Read Jeremiah 30:16-17. How will God treat your enemies? How will he treat you?"
"You really won't understand your life as a woman until you understand this: You are passionately loved by the God of the universe. You are passionately hated by his Enemy."
"And so, dear heat, it is time for your restoration. For there is One greater than your Enemy. One who has sought you out from the beginning of time. He has come to heal your broken heart and restore your feminine soul. Let us turn now to Him."
"Dear Jesus, I am beginning to see the assault on my life and on my heart, as coming from the enemy. He has been fierce against me. I have been wounded and wounded deeply. And I am trying to believe, beginning to believe, that it was not all my fault. Not what I deserved. Oh, God, please come to my battered heart and heal me. Come to the places in my heart where I have believed the enemy's lies to me for so long and speak the truth to me, there. In those places. I need you. I need your protection. I need your mercy. I need your covering, your kindness, and your touch. Make me quick to recognize the ploys of the enemy and teach me to stand against them. please come for me, Jesus. And heal me. In your name, I pray. Amen".


  1. I felt God move today girls. I felt him move into me closer and touch my heart in it's wounded places. I heard Him whispering sweetly how deeply He loves me and is here to protect me if I will allow him to. I heard Him say that I do not deserve my hurt and wounds and I am not to blame for them. I am not lacking, nor am I too much. I am beautiful/fierce/strong/tender/powerful and VITAL to advancing his kingdom. My tender heart is a reflection of His and He loves that in me. My depths are ever more inviting to Him and my many facets are not bad but complicated beautiful and intricate. That my wounds are not simple or b/c I am lacking they are b/c I am so frightening in all my blessings to the enemy. I was the improvement on his fall and am a very real threat that must be brought down. In Christ Jesus I have the power to defeat that goal by naming it what it is. A LIE FROM THE PIT OF HELL. I am not doomed to a life of isolation and forever lacking love and adventure. I have a heavenly warrior who will rush in to my rescue and we will fight together and be victorious!
    I get to be the heroine! I AM the princess the prize worth winning the fierce warrior beauty! WOW!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I am learning so much from you sweet friend. Thank you for the leader you are and the attentiveness you give to your realm of influence. It just keeps increasing, and you continue to be faithful.

    God, please help me live like the princess you made me to be. Give me adventure and victory, too.

    Have a wonderful day sweet friend.

  4. My assault has been obvious the last few years, tho subtle at first with snide comments and then increasing with severe criticism, name calling, cursing and threats. The message that was driven to me was that I was useless to him.
    After growing up in unhealthy relationships, it wasn't a terrible shock to me, but I'd at least gained better appreciation from other men.
    I can imagine that I am beautiful and powerful for the kingdom, and I cam imagine that it scared (ex-husband) to death! How can he touch that!? So rather than try to just appreciate it or let it be, or even, enjoy it!!! He tried to ruin it, stomp it in the ground, because he couldn't control it.
    Not sure about the men withdrawing because it was always me who couldn't commit until I married. And then I married one who abuses. What's up with that?

  5. Have you considered that seriously? Have you brought it to Dad in prayer? He'll give you an answer. With that answer you can have clarity of heart and mind and growth in such a direction that it will NEVER happen again. Ask Him. :)
    Thank you for such honesty and courage sister!

  6. this was an interesting chapter to me. i have seen how satan has brought on neglect and manipulaed the truth into a lie and has crushed me. i see how my prayers for protection and love to be kept at bay, etc were answered but up until now were thrown back in my face to say somehow i wasn't worthy/pretty/good enough. and the more i fall in love with HIM and the more i pursue the dreams HE has placed in my heart, the more clearly i see satan coming at me. coming at me to whisper lies that i believed my whole life that now seem to fall to the ground. i see it better now and it is exciting. you can only combat that which you can see.

    i have always felt like i was too much and not enough all at the same time...dang talk about a sucky belief system! you can never do right there. hahahah i love the freedom found in the truth though. the truth of we are just as He wants us, perfect and complete in him. fully redeemed, loved, accepted, admired because of our beauty and redemption in Him.

    how exciting! how exciting to have the king of the universe not only in love with you but pursuing you. begging you to be his companion on this journey we call life. what a precious gift!

  7. Kim all I can say to that is AMEN my sweet sister! :)
